my 235 has 45psi oil pressure. The end of my oil gauge shows 30 psi max. My oil gauge shows always maximimum. What can i do???
Gruss gott Volker, The old 216 was a low pressure motor, 10-15psi when cold and lower when warm. The 235 is a new High pressure design and can run 30-45 psi. The oil pressure gauge can be swapped out and a rebuilt gauge can be ordered from Classic Chevy which runs to 60psi. Flashlight
Thank God That you have great oil pressure. For the 47-54 they make 60psi guage replacements. I'm not sure about your 46...have you checked your catalogs?
Classic Chevy adres ? As i have to change the gauge setup to i wonder if you mean Classic Chevy in Michigan Sir? Regards Martinius.
I mean our sponsor, Jim carter also has rebuilt gauges. Carter may also have a gauge for Volker as he has a 41-46 catalog. Flashlight
Hook up another new onw until you get the one inside the dash rebuilt to your liking. And drive it like the wind.
idea i found a pressure control valve for an oil heater (from the heating system in my house) and they divided the input pressure by 3. i will buy this part (cost approx $20) and come back with information. If its work then i can redesign my temp gauge scale and use it.
Oil Pressure I'm not understanding why the heck you want to change it...... I ran my '46 3100 like this for 13 years of hard work , Commercial Service , I was always happy to see the oil gauge pegged as soon as the 235 went above idle . These are low pressure , high volume oiling systems so if it shows *any* pressure , you're good to go . No need to install a '47 ~ '53 GMC gauge with a Chevy gauge decal on it as far as I can see but that's the fix .
i won't change it but i thought if its every time on the end of the scale it works not so long. after this weekend i let it as is. the oil presure swinging and the gauge not leaking. aslo it's not critical and i can see if the pressure goes down. thats enough for me. Volker