2 barrel carb

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by ccharr, Apr 23, 2010.

  1. 1952Bowtie

    1952Bowtie Member

    Feb 1, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    Large gasket

    Yes, I used the large gasket.
  2. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    Thanks Bob, I did not get to work on it tonight maybe tomorrow night or saturday some. I need to be running so I can use it monday and tuesday to go to work with. The metro has go to be fixed it used 3/4 tank of gas going only 150 miles.
  3. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    Okay I got the stuff ready fir this tonight.
    Is it okay to use some permatex gasket gulp with putting on the carburator?
    I noticed the guys that put the lst carb on used somehting , so can one use the sealer?
  4. 1952Bowtie

    1952Bowtie Member

    Feb 1, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    I sure wouldn't use any on that thick gasket.
  5. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    This morning I got the stuff ready for the two barrel, new soft rod for the throttle linkage and a few other items and proceeded forward. After turning the adapter so the bowl was pointing front all it did was rock back and forth on the adapter. Took a minute to figure it was binding on, the manifold bolts were/are to long and are hitting the part were the adapter goes from 1 to 2 . So I went looking for a 2 inch raiser to go between the manifold and the adapter Langdon’s sent. When I was out I checked at Napa to see if my bolts were to long, no stock they are stock size. Went to Hawaii Racing but they had nothing either, but OMG they have some really great looking engines there, I was really impressed with a 572 ready to go out the door, what a nice looking engine that was/is, had to get out of there or I’d have a V-8 bought for the truck.
    So I figured I have the adapter lengthened from the kit but the shop I use is closed on the Week-ends. Figured I’d just make the adapter could not find any tube the right size, by this time the muffler shops were closed. So back home put the Carter back on and fixed some of the items which were tweaked out of shape around the linkage and the choke and throttle cable hardware, then took the truck on the freeway for a spin . The two barrel is in a box along with its stuff and when I get the adapter I need I’ll someday put that stuff on.
    The Good about all this is I found the linkage problem and will fix all that at a later date, the truck is running Good and why fix something which is working okay. I still need to figure out if truck fuel system needs that fuel regulator to keep the pressure at 3.5?
    Last edited: May 5, 2010
  6. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    Another Ride

    Up the grapevine to the poppy fields and the fields of orange are just great, not as many as I have seen in the past but well worth the trip.
    We left Simi and went to Moorpark down the hill to Fillmore on to the interstate 5 up the hill and into the poppy fields we went. Would have been nice to have had the extra horsepower, oh well maybe next time.
    Think I'll have Toms adapter extended to clear the manifold bolts, and try it again in about a month.
  7. 1952Bowtie

    1952Bowtie Member

    Feb 1, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    Manifold studs


    You can shave your manifold studs to the right height if needed. A small angle grinder will work. I know it is a tight fit putting it on, but just support the carb up off the manifold enough to get the mounting nuts started, then drop it down slowly as you turn the nuts.


    PS Extra horsepower???????????
    Last edited: May 2, 2010
  8. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    After re-reading the notes from you, Nate and Dave I see where I could have done that and possibly had it running. But because of the time line of getting parts for the truck anit no way I'm going to grind off something that may take a week for me to get a replacement. Saturday I went to just get replacement gaskets for the intake and Napa had to order it. Intake manifold studs may be easily had by some however.
    I use the truck sometimes as a daily driver and in the morning I have to have it for at least 3 days as my go to work truck. Not a Question of horse power but can one get to work or not.
    I have not given up on the idea but for today it has the Carter on it, and I going to see if the adapter can be extended or better yet a new one made that does not have the hump in the way, the least I'll do is go order some new manifold studs to shorten, I have already had them out before I put the Carter back on. I did go today and get the fuel regulator and install it on the truck, it is set at 3 1/2 and runs okay, maybe that black will go away on the tailpipe. Next Week end is Mothers Day and there is just no way I'll be able to work on the truck. The other half is going to have her kids doing things for her and I have to tag along if you know what I mean. By time I get back to the chevy any parts I have ordered will be in and the week end will be free.
    Thanks for helping out and keeping me focused. :)
  9. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Whew !

    Glad to see you stuck with it and got it sorted out Charles .

    I need to go out to the Poppy Fieslds too , I saw some news pics showing them to be better this year than in about 10 years....
  10. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    The Poppy fields are just great, this the second time the truck has been up there, I missed last year because I was viewing the flowers in the deserts east of us. I will try the other carb soon, I needed the truck this week and possibly next week also.
    Last edited: May 6, 2010
  11. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    California Poppies

    For those who've not see them , look up as they're lovely .

    Maybe I can sneak out there this Saturday..
  12. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    QUOTE=vwnate1;61073]I feel your pain .

    Please be SURE to install a paper element fuel filter in front of the carby (NAPA/WIX # 3001 IIRC) and carry a couple spares in the glovebox at all times , this way when it gets dirty fuel , you can change the fliter instead of fiddling with the clogged up carby...[/QUOTE]

    :(:eek:, had to call AAA today to get the truck going out on the back roads to Palmdale. Just before the tow got to me the message above came to mind, and I reworked the gas line without the filter and the truck was up and running just as the tow was coming around the curve. :rolleyes:
    I now have a few more parts sitting under the seat.
  13. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Clogged Fuel Filter

    Next time , just remove the clogged filter taking care to leave it full of fuel , hold your fingers over the open ends with the inlet facing downwards and shake gently until you see the crud filling up the inlet bib (this assumes you're using a correct clear plastic filter) then uncover the outlet end and suddenly blow it backwards , 90 % of the crud will spew out with the remaining fuel , now it'll work again so you can drive it home and not have to worry about dirty fuel in the carby...

    Fuel filters are cheap , I always try to carry a spare one or two .
  14. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    There was no fuel in the filter, I though the fuel pump had quit on me.
    That filter had been on the truck since the engine was rebuilt but I remember I did not change it when I had the fuel tank fixed at tank redu Mac's Radiator Service, 9681 Alondra Blvd, Bellflower. So it had all that older crap from the rusty one I hope there is not any other crap in thee.
  15. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Dirty Fuel

    This is the insidious part :

    Bad fuel can come at any time ~ I'm an early riser and so I usually fillup before first light , if the fuel delivery truck was there in the wee hours , all the sediment in the station's tanks is still stirred up from the dump , it takes about 24 hours before the fuel goes clean again after they dump in fresh fuel .

    Remember this ! if you ever see the tanker in the station when you're pulling in , make sure he's not yet begun dumping his fuel or else leave and try another station or be prepared to suffer the consequences .

    One more reason why clear fuel filters (WIX/NAPA # 31001) are always best , you'll see the accumulation of crud before it stops you cold , usually when you're in a new shirt , taking SWMBO to Church or dinner.... :rolleyes: .
  16. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    Sunday we took a trip from home up through Santa Paula into Ventura and up to Solvang, ate then back through the Chumash Highway back to Santa Barbara and then to the 118 highway and home.

    Today I was able to pick up the adopter I had extended 2 inches, I took the extra manifold out to mock up the stuff first and now because of the new bottom on it, it will not fit the other manifold. I took the single carb off the truck and the adapter fits the manifold on the truck.
    I started thinking what it is now. So I took off the shelve a Rochester which came on the manifold and the extra head that came off a 56 Chevy sedan. The carb fit the manifold in the garage but not fit the truck manifold the carb on the truck would not fit the manifold in the garage off the 56 car. So, I guess I have found that I have maybe a 216 manifold bolted to my 54 235 engine. I think I need to get some #'s off parts and post them to see what the I have.

    So does the Rochester carb only fit the 235 and not the 216 manifold?
    Anyway the trip Sunday was great.
    Last edited: May 25, 2010
  17. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Rochester Series 'B' Carbys

    Charles .

    The cast iron bottom part with the throttle valve in it , is smaller for a 216 engine *but* you can carefully remove the two slot head screws and use the wider flange base off a spare 235 Rochester carby you might have lying 'round...
  18. ol' chebby

    ol' chebby Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    I have a base or 2 if you need one.
  19. ccharr

    ccharr Member

    Jun 7, 2006
    Simi Valley, Ca. , La Paz County, Az.
    Thanks for the offers and how to but, the base made up to fit my trucks manifold, the extra manifold which I thought was the same as the one in the truck is for a rochester, and I know it is off a 55 235.
    Could the manifold on my engine be a 216, the casting # is 3835150, with a 3/8's vac fitting out the side? The extra manifold casting # is 3836680 with a 3/4 to 3/8 Vac fitting coming out the side.
  20. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Mis Matched Manifolds

    Yes , it can be ~ my old '46 3100 came to me with a 216 intake manifold on it , when I did the valve job I noticed the alignment rings had gone missing so I hunted up a set and was surprised to see it had the wrong intake manifold bolted to a '57 235 but still ran just fine .

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