what to do ?

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by booger, May 3, 2010.

  1. booger

    booger Member

    Oct 9, 2008
    Schulenburg Tx
    need to know what to look for if clutch and pressure plate needs replacing ? i know the throwout bearing is gone, but no other noises or slippage or etc is noticed. dont want to replace clutch if not needed yet. got the tranny out and trying to find someone to rebuild, one shop wanted $425 just to open and look inside plus parts(wow). it only jumps out of 3rd gear going down the road when you let off the gas. i would rather be driving by just replacing TO bearing. Help !?!
  2. bigtimjamestown

    bigtimjamestown Member

    Jan 11, 2010
    Jamestown Ca.
    Do you have a return spring on your clutch pedal? If not that's probably what wore out your throw out bearing.
  3. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    What to to ?

    Hey Booger

    To get this work done you have to get under the car and have a workingpit available.I would take a closer look underneath and inspect the clutch/throwout-bearing aswell.
    Can i come with some suggestions , i would ask some people at a school where they teach in practicall car mecanics or ask a good friend to help me out , maybe a old car club neirby where they have some expertice? You could put an ad in the locall newspaper and ask a pensioned mecanic for help.

    Good luck Martinius.
    Last edited: May 4, 2010
  4. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    Most likely the clutch is good if it wasn't slipping. If you pull it out look to see if the facing material is worn down to the rivets and check the springs in the center to see if any have a broken coil. If neither of these conditions are present it's good provided the pressure plate still has good tension. That $425 is a rip-off. For that amount you can back up to my storage shed, take your pick of AD transmissions, and then I'll take you down to Dallas to Ruth Crisps steak house and buy you and yours $300 worth of steaks and drinks. Does the guy with the $425 quote have a beard? Surely he can't look at himself in the mirror to shave. I think Katy is around 4 hours down I45 from me.
  5. ol' chebby

    ol' chebby Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    My gearbox did the same thing. Old timer tran.s guy said it was the synchro in 3rd, wanted $900 to fix it. That is the reason I did what I did to my truck.
  6. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Gerald, have you looked at the shop manual for your truck? There are several things that are identified in there that can possibly cause it to slip out of gear.

    Here is my 2 cents. Clean up the tranny and drain and refill it. Get you a new TO bearing and slap that bad boy back in. Once flanged back together, run through the various possible problems and eliminate them one by one. Make sure and check the clutch for wear, the teeth on the pressure plate, etc before putting the tranny back on.

    Here's a link to the tranny section of the '54 shop manual if you don't have a hard copy. http://chevy.oldcarmanualproject.com/shop/1954truck/54ctsm07136.html

    Hope this helps.

  7. booger

    booger Member

    Oct 9, 2008
    Schulenburg Tx
    thanks all
  8. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Clutch & Tranny Notes

    To test the clutch ;

    Engine running and warmed up , truck stationary and park brake firmly set .

    Depress clutch pedal and hold it there for the duration of this test .

    From neutral , shift into first gear , it's allowed to make a clunk noise but no grinding .

    It went fairly smoothly into first gear ? good , now shift slowly from first through reverse and into reverse ~ it *must* go smoothly and not one crunch or grind is permissable .

    If it made even a tiny grrrp as it went from first to reverse , the clutch is in need of attention , remove it and clean well (it'll have nasty , flithy greasy dust everywhere , don't worry just de-grease it) and report back here .

    Your tranny is in need on simple rebuilding or overhaul , it's a three speed Saginaw column shifter right ? price around as there's still many rebuilders and scads of good takeouts from Hot Rods....

    $500 should get you a drive in drive out repair including both tranny and all new clutch components .

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