These are some oldies I was able to remove from my Tangerine tree after some serious cutting , I'd hung them up there 25 years ago....
OK Nate! I've got to know! Let us in on the reason you hung them in the tree 25 yrs ago! Was it some Yankee farmer remedy for bugs? A southern California tradition at Christmas? Or did you polish them up in 1980 and hang them there and forgot about them? Or have you taken pictures of them every 5 years and sent the pictures to the National Enquirer with the caption "Flying saucers seem to appear every 5 years to the same spot" Inquiring minds want to know!
I think Nate was just trying to blend in with the neighbors. Ken: You going to the Klein Shine this Saturday?
Outdoor Storage Is all I've got as the garage is a tiny 'T' Model thing . The Tangerine tree is right next to my work area , I'm glad I didn't cut it down when I moved in and chopped out a jungle in the back yard , it still has very tasty fruits .I cut down to other Citrus trees as they had bitter fruit . God alone knows how much vegitation had been allowed to run amok back there over the years , it took me nearly a month of near daily dump runs to get rid of it all . I'm a Country Boy so I just naturally hang things wherever is convenient , I didn't need these rings so when the tree grew and covered them , I sorta forgot until recently when I once again am trying to work at home and began trimming the tree ~ there were the trim rings , a shop lamp I hung off a branch 20 years ago during a late night job , more stuff like that , old vintage Moto exhausts.... Even William Shatner's old BMW is under there , all uncovered now though . Someone here has dibs on these if he's interested , I posted the pix here as I cannot seem to attach any pix to PM's .
Trim Rings Hi Nate, If nobody has grabbed the trim ring , I would like to buy them---please zip me a n e-mail with details. Glenn
I'm still waiting to hear from the guy . They're *very* rough IMO , copious dings and stains ~ the stains come right off with elbow grease but the dings I dunno about .
Arbor Day Nate, I'd like to know where to get me one of those Tangerine trees. With fruit like that, i'd plant a couple of 'em.
Fruit Trees Heck I dunno ; It was here when I moved in 20 + years ago . I suppose you could grow one from a cutting but it'd dry up and die in the mail . I assume all of those big box Hwe. Stores like OSH etc. have fruit trees , don't they ? .
NOS Tangerines Nate - I guess i should have put "fruit" in quotes - i meant that magical tree of yours produced AD parts instead of Tangerines..... I have heard people say "you think this s*@t grows on trees?" - well, duh, i guess in this case it did!
Tree needed! Where can I buy one that will kick out some back fenders, bed sides, and a tail gate for a GMC of course...
The <Magic> Tree Of Old Truck Parts... Oh , NO ! I didn't think to take pictures of it all bushy and overgrown with old parts hanging all over it.... . It had vintage Moto exhausts and trannies etc. Oops ~ Nate blows another easy one . As it produces the sweetest , best tasting Tangerines I've ever had , my mind skipped right past your original meaning . I forgot my camera yesterday too , I was stripping parts off a totally burned out Metropolitan Nash Coupe hulk in the dirt....... The cylinder head was in the trunk , everything in the trunk burned up but the aluminum pistons didn't melt so I'm thinking of rebuilding the cylinder head , any reason why not ? . TIA ,