O.K. , I am told my little Metropolitan Nash Fixed Head Coupe goes rather faster than is proudent . BALDERDASH says I . Recently I managed to shred both front tires and blow out the brake cylinders on a Vintage Car Road Rally , here's a few pix (if I can load 'em) : Hm , it won't let me put descriptions with or between each pic so here they are : Pic # 1 is the blowout I had on a blind curve on the Pasadena Freeway . Pic # 2 is the steel cords poking out the left front tire after I got home. Pic. # 3 is the bubbly paint after the blown wheel cylinder leaked brake fluid all over the 35 year old $250 used carlot paint job . I have all the wheels in the trunk to-day , I'm going to have them all powder coated . Oh yes ~ one wheel was bent (the one showing cords) and another had been run with loose lugnuts so the holes were all wallowed out ~ I had to scrounge up two other wheels . I'm hoping this brake job and straight & true wheels along with two brandy new Kuhmo radial tires , will allow even higher par legal speeds .
nice metro,thats been one of my favorites since i was a kid.on my bucket list,but one project at a time
Yard Work No , that's my regular work space apart from the driveway . I'm trimming up and clearing out the backyard after two years of nothing since my Moto accident . it's tough (did a few more hours last night and I'm still in agony) but so what ~ if I sit on my bum , life will pass me by I have TWO Metropolitans back there , one is my convertible with a custom made removable hard top . There's a lotta junk back there , old Motos , VW's , piles of engines & trannies , bins full of spare parts , on and on ~ I want to clean most of it out now .
Those were not the ORIGINAL tires were they? I love those machines and glad to see one on the road. Brand new raidals might be nice. Cheers Nate
Apparently you do~ You picked a great spot for a blowout! The Holy Spirit has his work cut out for him when you get on a motorized vehicle!
If the tires aren't squalin, you can go a little faster. I've been known to run 80-85 on the interstate, just keeping up with traffic around here...
BAD Spot For a Blowout Boy howdy Zig , you're not kidding ! blind curves and no breakdown lane... . I lucked out as a BIG white 'Burb pulled right in behind me and put on his flashers , followed me to the next off ramp then waved and drove off... You're right , I am well looked after as I'm too stupid to quit and buy a new car . I'll be riding my Moto to work to-morrow , see how that goes .
Old Rubber No , they're steel belted radials , I'm just to cheap to replace tires that still have tread left on them Oops .
Them things get dry and crackly after a while. I read somewhere that a tire should be replaced aroun 8 years due to drying out and ozone rot.
O.T. : Metropolitan DHC & '76 GMC C2500 Bobby ; I'll make you a killer deal on the 1960 Metro Convertible , I'm nearby in Pasadena.... it needs work yes but was a real stormer when I was driviing it due to engine upgrades etc.... Also , if any one is interested , I've started a thread about my new 1976 GMC C2500 longbed W/ (what else?) a long stroke 292 C.I.D. engine , over in the apropriate page here...
Whooa there!!! Check out the photos at the top of this thread, WOULD YOU BUY A USED CAR FROM THIS MAN!!!!!!!!! Mind you, i heard Fangio was a little hard on cars too
HMMmm...... Guilty as charged I guess . What can I say ? I love the open road and the sound of an engine in it's " Sweet Spot " doing what it's supposed to do ~ Can I help it if I also like driving vintage jalopies I save from the crusher ? . Those tires were only 10 ~ 15 years old and you can see they still had tread , you didn't expect me to THROW 'EM OUT DIDJA ?!?! . BTW : as far as I'm concerned , I don't drive overly fast , you should take a little ride with my son sometime . I can't help it if everyone ELSE drives so slow .
Roadrunner MEEP MEEP!! Let him who lives without sin cast the first stone, i think that's how it goes (not a god botherer myself) anyhoo, i am the worst Nate, i got a size 9 left shoe an a size 18 right! that's why i leave bikes the hell alone. few years back i forgot why i left them alone and got on one of them jap nutty road bikes and realised they were soooooo bad for my health, i even drive the missus's little runaround on the red line everywhere. been so close to losing my licence so many times and mainly speeding tickets. So Nate, While you still live and breathe, go for it son! you only live once as they say and as long as you don't take someone else with you when you check out, then happy days!