Remember that first bike? This one is in great condition, and was bought at a yard sale a long time ago. My mother-in-law had bought it. It sat around collecting dust. I went through it, and now I think the bike (and my daughter) are much happier! I LOVE the CHROME! Sorry~ Proud papa had to share. I'm sure this helped some of you back down "memory lane", no?
Banana seat and high rise handlebars! Doesn't get any better than that! I probably put a million miles on mine growing up! Thanks for sharing Zig!
DBS Apache bycicle I had a Norwegian DBS ( Det beste) from the Øgland factory in the sixtees and i`d can tell you that the nabour kids where intrested to try my bike.It has been some generations in the famely but it got worn out totally. Great bycicle thats for shore.
What fun memories!!! Way to go Paul! That is so cool. I can't believe how much she has grown! Doesn't seem very long ago when I picked up your brake parts from ya.
trust me, i wasn't a rich kid but i did have a bike like the one pictured below. Mine was banana yellow with a black banana seat. It had the 3' chrome sissy bar on the back and a blue steering wheel. We lived way out in the country and we didn't even live close to anyone else with kids, so i don't even know where i got the urge for such a bike, - no one to ever show it off to, but i remember adding the wheel and bar myself. I rode that bike up and down our country road and back in our woods practically every day as a kid. many times down to the pond with my sister to shoot our bb guns, the corner store, and even a few times the grain elevator for a soda - until i got a minibike that is.....i wonder what ever happened to it.
I'm glad you liked this~ I agree with those that say these bikes were either on an impossible wish list or were "untouchable". I, myself, always wanted one, but the closest I got was some cheap knockoff. (Why I have a GMC??? ) This is the first year in ten that I've been able to actually take a breath and see life at it's normal speed. I can't begin to tell you all how cool it is to see my daughter, who has just last month learned to ride a bike without training wheels, go riding by on this bike. I'm sure I will have that same look whenever I get my G all back together. Keep your fingers crossed for me. My dad keeps taking up my free time with fishing trips to the campus lake. Toooo many catfish. It's almost embarrassing!
'Cool' Bike. My Daughter had one like that... a little past my childhood though. As for MY 'G', I spent last weekend with her, and removed hood and fenders from donor truck and cleaned up engine prior to removal for transfer into refurbished chassis. Next trip, pull engine and prep for reinstallation.
Time With Dad I hope you realize how lucky you are ~ many loose their Fathers too soon or worse (me) have total asshole Father who didn't want you . Next time you're off fishing with Pops , wait for a quiet time and tell him "thanx Dad " . I love spending time with my son ,I make damnsure he knows he's loved above all else . Keep up the good work Dads and never forget : you are NOT your Children's friend ! ~ you're their FATHER and this is the singlemost important job you'll ever have , take it seriously and when they're adults ,you'll be a good friend too .
Reminds me of my younger days as well. Papa, Dad and I would go fishing together all the time. As I got into college we didn't go for about 5 years. Couldn't wait to go again. So 2 yrs ago we all 3 went again. Turned out to be our last time together. My Papa found out he had cancer 3 months after we all went. Went through Chemo, then the cancer spread, and he passed away 8 months ago. My dad and I can always remember that last time we went fishing together with his dad. It was great.!!
Friday in the mail I get a package from my youngest, and her two youngest. She has four cildren 2 boys 18 and 13 then 2 girls 3 & 6, so in the package is a t-shirt and a cap that states Worlds Greatest Grandpaw. I wore them Sunday at Pomana Hot Rod show, on one had anything like it. I called my daughter today and tell her what I did ad to tell the children I really enjoyed the gifts and no one else had another like mine, then the girl tells me she has another on the way. I need to go fishing with them children I believe.
Great basic knowledge I am sorry to hear your speach about a dad whom did `nt want you. But i respect your good attitude towards your son.I remember Mark Almond did a song about getting the first bycicle. Its youth sentiment " The organ grinder". Here she comes. Thank you Nate.
Life : It's what one makes of it . I thank you for that nice song . I made sure my son didn't have the sort of childhood I did . Being an unwated child by both parents is not a fun thing but blaming the child for it isn't the right adult choice either . As most here know , I've had an ' interesting ' go of it but mostly I've been blessed beyond my wildest dreams .