Nice pics People in the USA must use a lot of money on there presious trucks. They look so beatifull all of them and so much diversety in colours , engines and other tech solutions.Thanks fore sharing Martinius.
What? No GMC??? Wow! What a show! ADs galore! No stock ones, huh? That's what a car show should be like~ plenty of old trucks hanging around!
Good Times ! That looks like it was a fun show ! . Lotsa interesting eye candy in the backgiound too , even a few nice 'F' products .
There is the weekend of wheels coming up this weekend in Grand Rapids MN. I'm going to bring the 53 up to that show. Got a buddy who is bring up his Camaro for the show too. I'll make sure to get pics.
Where was this show? Looks huge and looks like it was a very nice way to spend the day. thanks for sharing.