While I was out behind the house I'm staying at something caught my eye through the slats in the fence. When I looked over this is what I seen.....You can only imagine my excitement...Big Tim
Silly me...I thought we were in for a picture of the neighbors wife. But this..this is fabulous. Their everywhere, that one looks to be in great shape. Flashlight
Time to go borrow a cup of sugar (or oil) Looks good. Reminds me of when i was 'searching' for my truck. Any chance I would get to go back home to the midwest and just drive the countryside looking for a glimpse of anything with that distinctive curved fender, hood, or cab poking out from behind a shed or through the trees in the fall. I developed a really keen eye - or so I thought until one day I spied a black beauty behind a barn. when I pulled over and got in closer to check it out, it was a large round bale of hay wrapped in black plastic. that is when I decided it was probably time and money better spent by putting an advertisement in the local county paper. I made my own advertisement with a side shot of an AD with a caption "Wanted, Dead or Alive" and "Reward". I got many calls from folks, but they were all for trucks I had already discovered on my own that were not for sale. Six months later, after I had all but given up on the idea, the call came through that eventually lead to my truck. Hey, it worked for me!
craigslist is another great place to look. Place the ad for wanting one, or cruise around in the towns that you are willing to travel to for one. I found mine that way. A barn-fresh, well stored 3800 that was retired from farm work 6 years previously. Was even set up on blocks to keep the tires good. Was only a 9 hour drive to pick it up, but I was looking for a one-ton, dual rear wheel with a flatbed. 9 months of searching and she was found.
Nice beast! Looks like you have a lot of fun ahead of you! Thanks for the link to the pictures of it!