I would like to put a cut off switch on my truck. I have used the kind that connect to the battery post on other old vehicles I have owned in the past. This type would be very inconvenient to use on my truck because the floor mat is held in place with that metal strip and several screws. What do you guys recommend? JW
There is a cheap key looking switch that was on my truck when I got it. It was mounted through the fire wall, the pos. wire ran up to it, then down to the starter. It has a red plastic key that is removeable so it can act as an anti theft device.
Ditto Works great in the floor board and saved me big time during a dome light wiring melt down . Give some thought to where the passenger might put their feet while riding before drilling the hole .
45 Minute Install Well I went to Advance Auto and bought a battery cut off switch and a battery cable. Make sure you get the thicker 2 guage cable if your truck is like mine with the original 6 volt electrical system. I installed the switch on the passenger side fire wall up and behind my heater. You can't see it unless you look up under there. I lucked out because there was a unused hole already in the fire wall. Easy install, less than $20.00. JW
No, but hopefully it will slow down the hood rat that is trying to jack it to be funny. If they want anything bad enough they will get it one way or another.
I like to mount a continuous duty solenoid (Standard #SS-584) in under the truck out of sight. These are used on RV's but don't buy on from any RV dealer since the price will be triple. You can mount it in the existing positive cable and not have to buy any additional cable. The only wire that will then be hot is a single one from the positive post on the battery to a toggle switch that can be ANYWHERE on the truck. You can use a armored wire but I just run that one hot wire through a vacuum hose to give it an extra layer of protection. From the other side of the toggle a wire is run back to the switch terminal on the continuous duty solenoid. Switch on--everything powered up; switch off--everything dead.
Cool! See? I KNEW there would be a lot of great ideas! Thanks JW 54, for the photos! This is one of those things where you may have questions as to why you would want to do this in the first place. Well~ there you go. Is it worth doing? Is it worth the expense? I'll be driving mine like Brian drives his G. I LIKE the idea of making it play dead with the flick of a key (or toggle). Yes, crooks will get their prize, but it's nice to make them work at it. Sometimes the owner has better timing and might just be coming around at the right time~ Then the owner gets to go brit50 on the intruder!
Well Neil ; Some here have noticed that you , like a couple others (ahem) appear to have a slightly sensative B.S. meter that goes off *occasionally* .
It has to do with what you said... ...in the thread about "True Story" started by Big Tim. How you use to handle things over there across the pond when someone would give you a hard time about something. (The way you would settle a dispute.) So "pounding" someone = "Going brit50" on them. If you'd just admit that you really want a GMC, then you might find a higher level of peace and happiness, however. Just a thought...
What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ME!!!!!!!!!! A BIT SENSITIVE!!! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN BY THAT???? damn yankees always causing trouble grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Going Brit50 Ahem, 'pounding'!! no, Marquess of Queensbury rules old chap, when required a gentleman rolls up his sleeves and raises his fists and gives the offending person a damn good thrashing
We Call It : ' Going Postal ' and you'd have to work for the U.S. Postal Service to understand it I guess . Besides , we're all pesky Colonists not just " Damned yankkes ! " . I have a freind who's an ex pat Britisher , after he got screwed a few times by Her Majesty's Best for hiring " Mechanics " who had NO INTENTION of ever doing any work , he got pi$$ed off , closed up his tent and immigrated to (where else ?) the good old U.S. of A. where he runs a *very* tight shop (just him and SWMBO) and makes more $ than I ever will , gives honest service and is reliable and affordable too . So there ! . Um , what were we talking about ?? .
Obtw : American : " pounding " = The Queen's English : ' Thrashing ' so Paulie was right in any case .
As Long As I'm On A Roll Here........ If the original intent of a battery cutoff switch was for anti-theft protection ,and if you still run a breaker points ignition , here's the simple & cheap way to do it : Run a ground wire from the points to the dashboard , , once it's flipped it simply won't run no matter how much they try to hot wire it . Of course , where to hide the " Kill Switch " is the next thing right ? easy ~ if you're a smoker , hide it inside the full, filthy ashtray so you have to carefully slip your finger in above the ashes to reach it , no one will EVER figger it out . Or , add an extra dipper switch to the floor , one click and the truck's immobilized , one more click and you're off to the races (or the Junkyard if you're Nate) .
Oh deary me, you just dont get it do you 'Pounding' = with anger and without control, red mist time, resorting to thuggery. 'Thrashing' = controlled, restrained and skillful, so the opponent remembers the lesson being taught
YOU Don't ' Get It ' As we Colonists understand that a careful (if vigerous) application of brute force can often be just the thing to solve a problem . One must rememeber that " there is no problem so difficult that it cannot be solved by the generous application of brute force and ignorance " .