Now my decision is finish. I will swap my tranny and found a "cheap" way to ship it from the US to Germany. Have anybody a SM 420 or SM 465(2wd only) and would it sell it ?? Volker
Muncie SM 420/SM 465 Tranny You could try Patricks in Casa Grande , salvages auto parts in USA or Novak at EBay ; Martinius.
Trannies I'm not sure why you'd want to change it but , the SM420 tranny was used in ?Task Force trucks so there's always lots of them in VGC taken out of Hot Rods , go to the Task Force forums here and scroll back until you find the for sale or " I'm making a Hot Rod ! " posts and unless they threw it out , the tranny (and 235 engine) will still be sitting under a tarpaulin behind his garage and they'll sell it for $50 tops , often they GIVE them away free as NO ONE in American Hod Rod circles would be caught dead driving one . Please do note that the SM465 is still popular although no better and there are different types , early and late , an SM420 should be much simpler to install in your truck . Good luck hunting Volker ! .
My 53' still has the original synchro 4 speed, with ultra low 1st gear. Is that the one we call the "Rock Crusher". Is that the SM420/465? If it is...Volker...I wouldn't do it. Its not a pleasantly geared tranny. Just a soon as I change the intake spring on 1st cylinder and fix that miss, that tranny goes. Is it possible to rebuild the shifter on that tranny, mine swings from side to side, rattles me senseless (moreso anyway). Maybe I can export to Deutschland, although better suited to be in a "Panzer". Flashlight
Muncie 420 / 465 Trannies Yes , the SM420 is the ' Rock Crusher ' . they're both identical in use , the floppy shifter is easily fixed with replacement parts , pins or whatever you find worn out when you disassemble it . I have the 420 in my '49 and the 465 in my '76 , both are study , good trannies well suited to the application of Trucks . I have no plans to change them . FWIW , Muncie don't consider these " four speed " units ~ they're three speed transmissions with an extra , compound low gear . The original shift knob on my '76 indicates this as does the driver's booklet and Factory Shop Manuals .
granny gear As i recall my 55.2 (task Force) had this tranny in it and the shifter was labled LL or low low and then 1,2,3 I would in the day pull tree stumps out with it in LL it was also nice when stopped on a hill in traffic Bill
Joysey?? Dude..I'm surprised to hear there's still a tree stump up there!! You are absolutely correct, this Ultra Low is great on hills at a red light. Since I plan to sell the 53' I will leave it in there. I will change the Rear end gearing to get 65MPH on the hwy. Lots of folks liked my 53' at the show this weekend, none wanted a test drive fortunately. When I adapt the rear end gear to hwy speeds and fix the intake spring we will be competitively priced. Flashlight
Russ, I'll post some pictures, its a beautiful older resto. Not frame-off, but a California no rust truck. I know I'm gonna get razed and beaten especially by the GMC people...I've got pretty close to $18k in it.....I'm afraid to add up all those Classic Parts invoices for sure. Like Willard says now I've got a great $12,000 truck. Flashlight
Transmission question ? In this forum DeadZoneTruckin maybe can help you out here. He does not ship overseas but maybe you can arrange something if having any contact in the USA ? Good luck Martinius.