Okay~ so I searched the threads. (Well, I did, but I got way sidetracked by all the other stuff that popped up when I put "12 volt starter" in the search box) I could probably spend the evening in there and never find the simple answer I know exists to this question. What 12 volt starter will work in our 6 volt starters place? That is, and will allow me to retain my foot stomp starter setup. Thanks in advance!
The answer is simple Zig and you don't have to do anything at all. Use the 6 volt starter you have with your 12 volt system. It's like having a high torque starter.....Big Tim
Well, I did~ My starter is now past tense. It would spin just fine, but my battery was weak, and I had to keep charging it up. I might have tried starting it one to many times on a weak charge? Fully charged battery, hit foot stomp, nadda. Maybe the starter was about to crap out anyway. I spent more time having the pistons pump via the starter then by the spark from the plugs. Anyway, with a fully charged battery and clamped down connections, I got nuthin. Thanks, though, Big Tim
Sounds like you burned up the starter zig, with a properly tuned engine that starter should work just fine because it shouldn't take more than just a few seconds to start. If you spun that starter for more than 30 seconds at a time without letting it cool off then that's what burned it up. also not enough juice in the battery is hard on a starter too. Since you just put a new alternator on I'm guessing that you probably need a new battery and rebuild the starter and you should be fine. And last but not least and I know you have been waiting for this ...... Replace that Jimmy motor with a Chevy and your troubles will just fade away.....lol....Big Tim
Thanks, guys. I guess I check the bone yards for an old foot stomp and the yellow pages for a rebuilder. I guess the auto stores,too. See if they have the older 50's foot stomp rebuilt ones and how much they cost. After 4 years of setting and not ever wanting to start correctly, it was just taking too long of a hit to get the engine to fire up. Hopefully the 12 volt model will hang in there until I get things straight with its timing/fuel supply problems.
Starters Be aware if you buy a 12 starter , you'll also have to replace the flywheel as they're different . if you simply take the old starter and have it rebuilt or exchanged for a 1954 pickup one , you'll be good to go . A question : dod you have the correct , 0 or 1 gauge battery cables ? they'll be as thick around as your thumb , anything else is going to cause problems . Any FLAPS can order up the correct ones , just measure what you need and go to the catalog . NAPA's Belden cables are very good . Also , the ground cable MUST be attached to the tranny or engine ! not the frame . These old starters are very simple to overhaul at home , if you can't get it working again with some cleanup and a set of new brushees , no worries , just sent it out for rebuilding then .
I am using a re-built 6 volt starter (the one my truck came with from Norwood Ohio in 1953). I had a local Auto/Electric shop go thru it while they were re-winding my generator to 12 volts. Those guys were great - they even made up a battery cable using cable stock for Arc welding machines. The only issue I have experienced is sometimes the drive gear does not engage before the starter kicks in. Is there an alignment procedure I missed or shims missing? -Terry
Paul: I got one from our host, one of the 1st things i did on my truck. it is a 12 V starter, and works just fine. Not sure where they get them from, but i did not have to change the flywheel. So that is nice. I can't remember how much but i thought they were around 100-150 bucks or so.
Pedal Starter Switch Adjustment The mounting holes for the switch proper , should be elongated so you can slide it a bit so the switch's contacts don't make quite so quickly . Mind you : a little bit of adjustment is a lot , tread softly here .
Thanks Nate, I, as always, am deeply impressed with your "tribal" knowledge. I will take some time this weekend to make that adjustment. I don't know why I did not think of that myself (I have achieved codger status), but it makes perfect sense. -terry
Cool! Sounds good to me. I'll give that a gander when I have more time. I will also pull my starter and see what happened. The switch has me wondering if it might have something to do with this. Thanks again all. Good ideas, good advice~ as usual.