72 three-on-the-tree needs help

Discussion in '1967-1972' started by dmcnga, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. dmcnga

    dmcnga Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    NW Georgia
    I have a '72 C-10 L6 three speed manual. I need some how-to help to rebuild/repair the three speed column shifter. It was hard to shift without it sticking in first grear. Now it is in second gear no matter where I put the lever on the column. The problem seems to be in the top of the column but I am fearful about tearing it apart without some instructions. Everything I have found seems to be about tilt wheel and auto transmission or cutting a hole in the floor and doing away with the column shift. I want it back to original stock condition. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!!
  2. dragonwrecker

    dragonwrecker Member

    Sep 11, 2010
    check brotherstrucks.com i think they sell a rebuilt kit for the column shifters.
  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Column Shifters

    The problem is almost always in the bottom of the column , where the rod connects to the two levers .

    It's often possible to take it apart and clean out all the old , rock hard grease , , shim the play out and carefully re-adjust plus use thin flat washers on the tranny shift arms where the linkage rods connect , if they're floppy , it'll never shift right .

    To adjust , prop the shift lever in neutral and disconnect the rods at the tranny , adjust them so each rod end goes dead centered in the arm's hole , replace worn out / missing bushings or make your own using PVC pipe and flat washers .
  4. dmcnga

    dmcnga Member

    Nov 26, 2007
    NW Georgia
    Thanks for the info. I'll give that a try.
  5. spartan

    spartan Member

    Jul 25, 2011
    middle ga
    i have had tha problem many times just like the person said pop tha hood and look at the linkage if the two peices are not lined up corectly then it will never work right... i call it shear pins if you look close enough you can see where the linkage lines up ...when completley lined right shove a nail small enough for tha holes and bend them on both sides and it will last a good while in my experiences and when lined up identical u should be in neutral .... also lube the linkage real good so can do it by hand before u get behind the wheel and test all gears .... may not be the answer your lookin for and isnt the supposed correct way but its worked both of my c/10 69s and has lasted till this day
  6. JonathonPearson

    JonathonPearson Member

    Apr 6, 2012
    3 on the tree

    I have a 1970 chevy c10 with a similar problem i ggreased the fitting on the column under the hood and worked the shifter around a few times and eventually it shifted smooth as silk!
  7. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Column Shifter

    If you take the time to remove the steering wheel and disassemble the upper mast jacket & clean out all the old rock hard grease & dirt before greasing & re assembling the worn out parts , you'll find it works just like new again in spite of being all loosey-goosey & floppy .

    Chevy really designed it well .
  8. mike 16

    mike 16 Member

    Sep 26, 2007
    yes make sure the levers and shifter linkage is properly aligned

    also those same arms can wear, I think the bushings and clips from a muncie shift linkage kit will work. the bushings re establish the correct alignment top and bottom, the clips keep everythin tight and slop/rattle free.

    also the shift arms comming out of the side of the tranny, look at them and see if they have round holes or are oval shaped.

    mostly look at the shafts, they should be tight where they attach to the levers on the column and wher they attach to the arms comming out of the tranny, any slop or rocking motion is wasted motion and can cause jamming

    also up in the passenger compartment , the shifter arm that you select gears with. it can wear itself, the pin that it pivots on can wear, and the hole that the pin is installed in can wear oval shaped.

    all these parts can cause slop if they are worn or brocken. they regularly come up for sale pn ebay and some vendors carry them.

    the steering column is not rocket science. if your on the internet, then you can take pictures with a digital camera, so dis assembly and re assembly will be easy. it will take time and you will want to go in and replace everything that needs it, do it right, do it once and take your time.

    aslo I like mobile one pinl grease for reassembly and about once every 6 months I go in with a can of Break Free;Cleaner, lubricant, preservative. its a gun lubricant. spray your levers and your upper column and shifter arm. I do it and I can shift into any gear with my finger tip.

    hard shifting is also an indication that your tranny is low on gear oil. I use mobile one there too

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