Awesome Pics Neil! Thanks for sharing! Looks like an awesome time. My favorite picture was the Lancaster fly-by! Were the escort fighters hurricanes or spitfires? If memory serves, the hurricanes were the stars of the Battle of Britain! Ken
Planes Ken, one is a spitfire the other a hurricane, over the three days there was some superb flying, my favourites were the p51 and the spit who did two displays (sat & sun eve) together, first with the mustang feet from the tail of the spit then the spit doing the same to the p51, incredible close control during exciting routines. Both times we had just sat down to eat at the campsite next to the track. It was something else to hear those engines going through a work out, especially the p51 as it started to whine as it got up to speed on the dives! I was in heaven, all right over our heads! Everyone in the site just stopped to watch. All weekend there were historic planes flying between racing, old sikorski 1930s planes, wwI biplanes etc, fantastic stuff. Even my 15yr old daughter had a great time and plans to return next year!
But : ...,There's no links for us dumber than dirt guys who can't figure out how to look at your pix . No , don't bother to once again explain how to do it , I just don't Ken it .
Sorry Nate, shoulda done this earlier
Cool deal, Neil. Thanks for posting those. We had a C131 (I think) flying around here yesterday. It flew over the playground at school a couple of times when we were outside. You should have heard the kids!
Sight and sound C131 is that the big transporter or the hellfire gunship thing? Funny but my old man (god rest) and me only really shared one thing. The sight and sound of a spitfire in flight. He worked on the Merlin engines in the latter part of the war (engineer and tool maker) we would both stop dead in our tracks and stare in silence (I still do) if we ever got to see one. Ok there were prob better planes but you can't argue that it's prob the best looking plane ever built and the best sounding engine ever built, just poetry in motion. I often go up to work near the air bases and see apache's and modern fighters flying and I love seeing them to but the spitfire an the p51 display was something else! In fact the whole weekend was (bear in mind I don't get out much)
Nice photos at first of the 2 blue angles in red shoes. I love the Warthog, went to a air show that had the WW2 birds flying around with some newer plans. I am glad the enemy did not have a Warthog. If we had have had 100 Warthogs the war would have been shortened. If Harry was president insted of Rosevelt and had Preditors, there might not have been a WW2. With a proper President WW3 may not last as long, as the pressent recission, if fought abroad.
C5 is the big assed transport deal. C131/130 are gooney birds. The 131 (I believe) is the gunship. It'll rip the earth apart if there isn't something metal in it's way. In that case, the metal object will be wishing it wasn't there. They fly out of Hurlbert Field, FLA. (and other places...) I was there (FLA) and saw them day in and day out. I could hear them ripping stuff up out on the reservation. Lord help what was in it's path. Proud to have been a part of that in some small way. I was happy to relay this info to my kids. (students)
US Airplanes Sorry guys, as a retired US Air Force Senior NCO I couldn't let the erroneous plane id's go. C130 is a 4 prop transport plan flow by many countries around the world. In the UK they call it the Hercules. The C130 has been around for many years and continues to do great work for our forces. This is the down and dirty work horse transport. Here's the Wikipedia page on the C130. The gunship version of this plane is known as the AC130. It has a big old 105 mm howitzer and other things sticking out the side that will ruin your whole day. Here's a link to a video of the AC130 at work in Afghanistan. The C141 is a four engine jet transport that has also been around along time and the Air Force is replacing. Here's the Wikipedia page on the C141. Stan
Hey ! Don't Forget : The mind blowing A10 Warthog..... A fearsome bit of flying death if ever one existed .
Started something here Wow, I've really started something here, maybe we should have an old trucks and planes photo thread (instead of trains) Not sure where the warthog reference came from, all I can think is one of my pics may not be clear and guys are mistaking the tail of the Lancaster for the tail of a warthog.
Just a carpenter... Sorry, I was just going by what I was told. Here's the warthog that Nate was referring to. We use to called them tank killers. That little gun on the front could do a number on metal objects. Then this is the big ass C5 that I had mentioned. I'm glad I wasn't dreaming this. Bigger than a 141? I love planes, Neil. Every time I see/hear a military type plane, my heart strings twing for the good old days of being in the USAF.
Zig Zig, would i ever criticize you my friend I knew of the warthog but i can only guess that as it has the twin tail same as the lancaster then maybe someone mistook it for the former. I live not too far (in US terms) from Lakenheath and Mildenhall air force bases in the uk and my work takes me up there (Lakenheath wed morning funny enough) quite often, i sometimes stop at the viewing areas to watch for a while. Bout a month ago i was flying down a lonely country road, a tad too fast as always but it was arrow straight, and came over the brow of a hill and there in the gap through the trees made by the road was an Apache gunship hovering, I nailed the brakes so hard in panic (not what you would expect to see in a brit country lane) and slowly drove towards and then under it, all the time convinced i was in his sights, i stomped on the gas as soon as i had passed and about a mile later it was following me, lucky i gave up the drugs years ago because i would've been so paranoid!!!!When i arrived at a clients property not too far from there he explained that they sometimes practice their weapons systems (unarmed) on cars in the area, the base was about a mile from his place, he said he was driving along one day at about 40mph and he spotted one flying sideways alongside him about 500 yards away!!! scary stuff if your a humble brit, we aint used to this in quaint ol England!