I just thought that this place has been pretty quiet lately. . . it must be that winter is a-comin' eh? I am planning to take the bed off of my truck this weekend and see about sandblasting the chassis nice and clean. I've already cleaned it up once, but not to my liking. Have any of you ever rented a compressor and sandblaster? How much is it for a day? Is it better to farm out the work to a shop or a friend? How about media? I really want to get this thing clean, it's keeping me up at night! You're all the greatest! --TrustyRusty :7
howziit TrustyRusty! the STRANGEST thing happened...i had no access to AOL server, since friday evening, just came back online again. funny, i could access email, and my local credit union website, but ALL my automotive websites, and ebay, were inaccessible. AFTER i accessed the home page, that's as far as i could go. i got THIS PAGE CANNOT BE DISPLAYED...or ACTION CANCELED. AOK now...knock on wood.x( x( x(
Yo Trusty Rusty, Here in snow country, we're getting our skis tuned up. I predict a banner year. I want to know how you get your truck pic on your postings? Is it an icon or an actual photo? Anyway it is way cool! Tom in Steamboat '60 Apache (seriously blue)
Hey Tom, the pic is an avatar image that can be found in your profile. To get one I went to the FAQ menu and clicked on the user menu icon near the top. Go to edit profile. From there I went down to avatar images and brought up a menu of pics of 47-72 trucks. Pick one you like and click it; it should be part of your profile then. As for the truck in mine, I wish! Mine's still without paint, but it will be on there soon as I'm taking an auto body class at my community college this spring. Until then, primer is finer. Really expecting a banner year, eh? Here in the Sierras its been really dry. We got four feet two weeks ago, but with temps in the 60s its almost all gone. Maybe I'll take it easy this year, wrenching on a truck with a busted arm won't be to enjoyable! --TrustyRusty