Hi Folks, need some professional help. I have a 47 pick-up with a 305 engine which is burning oil. I have performed a compression test and all cylinders are 170 +/- 10lbs. I thought the problem was valve seals so I replaced the seals, no luck, its still smoking when you jump on the engine. It has some smoke at idle but primarily out of the right bank. I assume I have bad valve guides but not sure. Sorry but I do not know the history of the engine, I was told it was from a 1984 chevy truck. It has a small cam so I think the engine was gone through as some point. When I changed the seals the head were very clean. Question: How can I determine the cause of the oil problem? Question: How can I tell if the heads are stock? One individual looked at the heads and said he thought they were after market heads because the front face of the heads are smooth (no casting marks)? Thanks Ron
Hi Ron ! Simple testing : Oil smoke upon accelleration , isn't valve guides nor seals , it's a cylinder issue . So , it is now time to yank the heads & pan and pop out the pistons , replace all the rings and inspect the pistons for loose lands and the cylinders proper for glazing ot longitudal gouges , taper in excess of .012" or so , InLine 6 bangers can have way more taper and not smoke . If the cylinder walls are shiny and mirror like , it was improperly assemblerd and broken in ~ I know how to fix this but no one here will believe it until they've tried my way of 60 second breakin . If Evan says differently than I , follow his lead .
305 Smoking Thanks for feedback on my engine smoking issue. It looks like your correct and the problem is ring related. This engine has been sitting for a long time and was smoking out of the right bank when I purchased. I though maybe valve related at first but now it looks like oil rings issues. I will plan to work on this during the winter. Maybe change engines. Again, thanks for all your help. Ron
" Ran When Parked " If this is the case , you might want to look into Kano Labratories in Tenn. , they have some <magic> elixir you can pour in the cylionders and allow to soak , it'll free up old stuck piston rings , yet this stuff actually works unlike othwer Snake oils products . You *must* however , follow the directions to a 'T' ~ no short cuts nor rushing . As much as I dislike V - configuration engines , they're simple and robust , you can overhaul the 305 you've got allready and make it a real stormer , not much $ and it'll be dead nuts reliable if *you* do the work and mind your P's & Q's whilst doing it . others here will have different and prolly better ideas than how I'd approach it .
Sitting What you will probes find is the rings, especially the oil control ring, are stuck in the piston due to carbon deposits, if you had one in your hand you would see that the rings are compressed and tight in the pistons, when the pistons are out it's an easy job to clean them and free the rings up so they spring back out of the piston, in the bore, well sometimes you can get them to free up and other times not, but it's worth a try, I've tried all sorts, stp, wd40, 2stroke, diesel, nothing has worked consistently, one thing worked on one engine but not another, just remember to oil change after you cure it, good luck