So it's a Saturday morning. Thought I'd look at truck pictures. Found these that I just had to post.
Second The first you can keep but the second........awesome what a great truck, I love cab overs but a soft top! Inspired
Re: Brit,if you look to the right of the main photo there is a "pictures string". Click on the images to view. Some of these old COE's are amazing.
" Some People " I'm just getting refreshed from my trip across the Desert to Az. in my old beater Jimmy and when I saw the subject , I thought ' oh crap , who did I pi$$ off now ? ' . Although not quite my cuppa tea , those are both nice old trucks . I'd love to paint the Roadster one in stock trim and drive it into the distance....
Other pics Zig, I checked out the other pics, some cool looking trucks, I have to say the oval grille F**ds have always been a favourite of mine. But the one that stands out for me for some strange reason is the beer truck, don't understand it but for some reason it really tugs a heart string
Figures... You love the F#@d grille, but a GMC grille is horrible? It makes sense that the beer truck would be your favorite...
My friend did not go up to the house to ask about the price (Sorry). I will see if he has a phone number. It is near Huntsville AL.
Maybe it's just my sick mind, but the pic makes me think that an ol' fashion lynchin' is fixin' to happen! Way cool COE!
I am thinking it is something else by the looks of the interior. BTW, These were taken with my friend's mobile phone
Yeah, I would say the 6 is gone. It seems that the parking brake is gone also. However, it's still a nice looking ride, even if they did bugger up that once beautiful dash.
I think I know what you mean It's obviously a southern thing but I think I know what you mean, some heavy lifting with ropes etc