Hello, so the bed side panels are fixed. Now I'm going to fix the boards from the bed. Where do you begin to fix the boards - in the middle to the side or from one side to the other? Ask Wolfgang
I am assuming you are working with a pre-cut bed kit? if so, the holes in your bed sills will dictate the board placement. There should be a bed sill hole accessible between boards. This hole is where the bolt for your metal bed strip will be attached. The spacing between boards is dictated by your metal bed strips. If your wood is pre-drilled as well, then I would start with those pieces, and if i remember correctly, because of the angle strips attached to the sides, you will have to start with the outside boards. Test fit by gently and evenly tapping the board into place under the angle strip - do this by tapping on a scrap piece of wood butted up against the edge of your outside end bed boards. (when i did this on mine, my boards would not clear the holes in the bed sills and did not line up yet with the pre-drilled holes that mount to the frame, so i had to shave 1/8 off one board and 1/4 off the other side for proper fit). Continue test fitting each board until you reach the center. Carefully marking, trimming, and drilling one board at a time because they most likely will not be exactly the same from side to side. Once happy with all the test fitting, then finish up the staining and sealing and then final installation. Hope this helps.
I did mine on my 57.I didn't buy the kit because i changed the layout of the boards from 8 boards to 7.Its not that hard to do measure twice cut once,a good set of dado blades on a decent table saw.A forsner bit is needed to counter sink the bed washers.A helper comes in handy for laying out the holes and final assembly.If like working with wood like i do it will be a fun project for you.Good luck Bobby