Sooooooooooooo,Nate where are those wedding pics you promised us? We are all dieing to see you in a tux!
Wedding Pictures Um , er , uh.......... I don't have but one Polariod yet.... keep pestering me and i'll get after Jr. about this as he said they'd be posted on some site so linking or copying them should be do-able ~ even by me ! .
Well... let's see~ Became a hood ornament for a taxi company early one morn~ I think I'd still have a cane, too! I recognize dem curves the stick man is holding ANYwhere! Thanks for the pics, Nate. And congrats! I know it's a bit$h to get spruced up, but I think this time was worth it, no?
Woohoooo Thanks Nate. Great lookin couple and if I was a "few" years younger I'd have been flirting with those bridesmaids! That is,if I could have crashed the reception.
' Stick Man ' Yep ; That's me with my Sweet . He has a large , ecclectic bunch of friends who came , it was a really nice wedding with a DJ & dancing etc. I have more pix of the festivities if any one's interested . I do feel it was well worth dressing up for , the next time I'm in a tux I'll prolly be dead . SWMBO was certainly wearing the hell outta that dress but that's the way she always looks , even the young girls came over to compliment her . All the brothers @ work wonder why the hell she's with me , I wonder too but not rocking the boat . Michelle is the blushing bride , a very nice girl IMO . My Baby has finally cut the last apron strings .
Rehotos Thanks again,Nate. We have all been wondering what the mighty guru of old Chevys looked like. I can see that all had a grand time at the wedding
Of course we want to see the rest of the pics. Apparantly a lot of us had our invites lost in the mail. We are all happy for you and look forward to many inlaw and grandkids stories. Good for you Nate, in the end its mostly family. Flashlight
Dang Nate! You clean up good! So, how does it feel to be surrounded by such beautiful women? Your new daughter-in-law is a very nice looking young lady! And then, what can we say about SWMBO! Keep counting your lucky stars. So, now that this part of it is over, anyone want to take bets as to when we can call Nate "Grandpa"? I can see it now...Looking into my crystal ball, I see a small boy, grease under his little fingernails, little coveralls stained with grease saying "C'mon grandpa, we gotta get out to the desert before someone else buys that old AD we saw on the way to Tehachapi last weekend!" Congrats Nate! Ken
More picture, more pictures, more pictures, more pictures, please.... Actually, I think it would be nice to have a thread that had our mug shots on it. I wasn't far off the mark on what Nate looked like, but I think it would be fun to see the others on here, too. I *love* knowing what Neil looks like~ That paper bag suits him to a "tea"!
Picture Thread I thought we did one a couple years back , no ? . I guess , for an old , beat up fat guy , I don't scare the kiddies to much I'll try to post up more pix this week , it's my short week @ work and I'm finally beginning to move on SWMBO's European Spec. Mercedes Turbo Diesel Station Wagon I'm building for her . As far as invitations , I wasn't even allowed to invite SWMBO ! Michelle invited her . I'm told grandkids will commence in 2011 , that's why he wanted to pull the trigger now ~ no bastids in this family . I told Jr. he'd better be ready 'cause I'm going to teach his kids how to build & tune old cars , trucks and Motos plus how to roll joints & change the screens in the bong ~ he can have fun trying to explain that . The shoe's on the other foot now ~ I can fill them up with B.S. stories and sugar then send them home to daddy bouncing off the walls whilst I hit the recliner . So , who's this " mighty guru of old Chevys " ?? I didn't see him at the wedding .
Congratulations! Nate - we're very happy for you and your new growing family. You have always spoken highly of your son and that is a reflection on you as well of being a good father. I am sure you will have those grandkids (boys OR girls) under the hood sooner than most. I have always said being a parent must be the hardest job on earth. I hope you all tell your kids in person how proud of them you are. I have overheard my own parents tell others, which is nice, but when it comes directly, it can make all the difference in the world. Congrats again - this is happiness you deserve.
Thanx ! Yes , those important words of support & pride that I never heard & never will , I made sure my son heard them all the time . he's a much better person than I could ever be and we're right proud of him .
Hijshto Lindo With his grandpa... You alls seem to like his lady , I just called up a Motel far away for this weekend's fun run and the clerk remembered her from a year ago ~ he said she was ' the Belle of The ball '....