A happy day you turkeys ! . It's supposed to rain 2" in La La Land this weekend so of course I decided to put a new wiper blade on and drive my Metropolitan Nash FHC..... . Yes , it leaks nearly as badly as my truck does but it has a better heater . I suppose I could drive my '76 GMC as it leaks not a drop and has a terrific heater but no radio (yet) .
If rain isn't bad enough... I'm not sure that that new wiper blade will do much to keep the rabid bats away from you! (Heard about those on the news this morning...)
Happy Thanksgiving, Im prepping my truck for another winter. I drove my 50 all through last winter in the mountains and it did great! Kansas winter is a little different. I have a bunch of old rail road ties that i throw in the back.
Farmer Posi-Traction Well ; I had a nice long drive in my Met to-day , no one ever showed up , after a while I passed out and snoozed in the front seat , engine idling , heater blowing , feet out the window (Mets are tiny and I'm 6') , occasionaly folks walking by in the rain asking if I was O.K...... Anyways , back in the day we'd load the bed with sand every November to aid in traction and to have something to help un stick all those city folk's cars..... After 1968 or so I'd just drop a big 1/4" diamond plate sheet in the back , thata way I could still haul the milk cans to town in my favorite truck....