Hello All, I am slowly getting my 1983 Chevy c10 truck looking and running good. My question today concerns the glove box. I don't know whether I need to repair or replace it... when it is closed, it stays closed, although it makes a slight rattling sound while driving. When I open it, it can and does just fall off. The glove box itself is shaped with a hook-like edge that fits over and into the hole/opening at the front of the dash. I can't see how it could be repaired to stay on, and am also not sure how a new replacement would stay on either. I see on this site that the inner box can be purchased and just screwed to original outer metal skin, but again, how would it stay on and not fall off when the door is opened? Any help here is appreciated.
Cheeseball Glovebox Hinge The deal is : GM cheaped out BIG TIME and the bottom lip of the plastic glovebox liner has screws through it into the dash proper , the plastic bends back and forth every time you open it..... pretty sad huh / . If your build sheet decal is ruined , just buy a new liner and install it and you'll be well pleased and the rattles will stop too . Or , maybe go to the hwe. store and buy a short(ish) piano hinge and add that to retain the original liner with build sheet decal.... My '76 GMC is about 1/2 way parted in along one edge , when it falls off , I'll address it then , I still have the build sheet sticker in there so I don't want to loose that . Ask away ! the folks here have done most everything and know a lot , if they're feeling reticent (some times) , I'll chime in if I can help out . How about some pictures ? .
Do you have the A/c glove box or the None A/c box. There hard to fix but. Better fined good use one. You can use a black dotag ( the thin flexable plastic paper binder ). On the in side of the steel and the in sert, use small pop rivites paint BLK drill hole for the pop rivites and the screws.
I would say better then a broken one. I have never got one. I do not know if Classic Parts have left over old GM stock ones or not. You would have to ask them. They do have some stuff that GM or re- made parts or after market stuff depeneding on if they have had them made up or run out of the old stock. Or got a deal with aftermarket supplier.
You can still find decent glove boxes in junkyards if you're patient, although it seems to be a lot easier to find an a/c style glove box. I used an a/c one in my truck for about 2 years before I found an intact non a/c one while I was looking for an a/c one for my brother's K5. Was looking for this thread with a step by step to remove the latch and noticed they used a piano style hinge as Nate suggested to fix it. The PO of my truck had just taken some generic hinges and screwed them into the metal face of the glove box; it worked but looked like crap.