I asked my cousin in salem if he new the history of this truck , but he answered me that he new it whas used nearby Salem in " Sweet home " wich is an old logging cummunity in the foothills of the Cascade mountains about thirty five miles from Salem. But he could tell me that his late uncle had own one in these days when living near Seatle but without the side panels , and used it for his buisness. Where that truck went after he passed away he was`nt shore of ? Maybe Sandy could give it a try and bid on this one ! I love this beauty with its historicall patina.
That looks like a keeper! Well done with the photos. I thgought they would never get around to the engine bay, but it was worth the wait. If I were a rich man........
Oooh I love that truck. I would likely drive it as-is and just enjoy it (till the tires gave out). What an extensive and honest look at that vehicle - I am impressed with the salesperson's overall display. Cheers, Terry