Norwegian ancastors There are some of you guys that have Norwegian ancastors and are related to people whom emigrated to the US. Norwegian emigrants are all over the US as they went to there destination. Emigration from my country towards the US started in 1870 and is still very actual. Quite often i get questions about if i know peoples ancastors or if i can help out to get some information. And offcourse i can help out if i have the time to do so. But as such a big country as Norway that has a registred population of 4.2 million people i need the correct information. But then it needs spesific information about place of birth , maden/mail name , famely names , where they lived in the country in what year? The rest is a peace of cake finding out about people , ofcourse if the public records have information available. But there are some things that you can do your self here to ; Public records; If you know where your ancastors came frome there is a chance to find moore information in the particulair districts churchbooks or local folkmuseums where they keep all kinds of information. I know that the Mormon Church society in Salt Lake city also have a lot of information on microfilm. Give me an private message wich is available on my presentation site here. Hope this whas of some help. Martinius
But , But ; They eat Lutefisk for Lord's sake ! . For those who don't know , this is fish soaked in lye . I have many Norwegian friends who mostly live in Minnesota , eh ? .
X-mass dish is Lutefisk( fish) deliseous !! Nate You are surprising me everytime! Do you and the famely eat any spesial kind of X-mass dish ? Did you know they eat roasted sheepbrains at the westcoast here and coocked sea mamel dicks up north ? No in iseland they endjoy eating sheep eyeballs coocked in a matter of fact!! What about haggish an Irish delicatessy ? Fuck.... to extreme for my taste! If well prepared the Cod fish has been in a mixture of salt and caustic soda and water for a cople of days. The result makes it look like soap and if not well prepared it tastes like soap to. But if the prosess is stopped at right moment this fish together with mustard sauce , boilled potatoes , peastuw, fried beacon , homemade flatbread and strong old norwegian liquer "Aquavit " and a cold beer..... Guys you are entering heaven ...... at least if you drink anough of the Aquavit and alebeer. ha...ha...ha. Skål for det Martinius.
Comfort Foods Yes of course but even though I'm Scots-Irish ,Haggis will never touch these lips..... . My personal favorite comfort food is : liver & onions with bacon.... MMMMMmmmmmmmmmm .
Food!!!! Ok so is someone going to explain lye? I got the fishy side of it but Nate you only gave half an answer! I've eaten some weird sh*t on my travels, most of it described as a "local delicacy" that usually translates to "will make you gag" good candidate for the worst was African snail, not small like it's French counterpart but as big as your foot, so once you start you realise you've made a big mistake but you gotta long way to go to stop from offending your host and ending up rotting in the jungle somewhere! Haggis? It's ok.......after a hell of a lot of beer! Nate, liver n bacon n onions, with mash and peas and thick thick gravy made from the pan juices, now your talking, my missus knocks up a big pan of this and me and the dog share it
Food, again China is another place to be somewhat careful what you order. The Canton (Guangzhou) market has been aptly described as a take-away zoo. In Shanghai we had a soup with jellyfish and sea slug. Kind of like unflavored gelatin which has been sitting in the fridge for too long - a chewy rind. Anyway, we did draw the line at visiting the cat and snake restaurant in Canton. I've had some great meals in Britain, mind you, many were at Indian restaurants. I've also had lutfisk in Sweden. Really not for the faint of heart.
Its all acquired taste..personally, Haggis (stuffed sheep stomach) when given the proper presentation was not bad. Whilst, imbibing generously on a good scotch and watching the fair, red haired, long legged, maidens do their folk dances, like Valkerie's to Vikings. Gives me a quaking right down where I hadn't felt one since those fine GI tour busses on R&R, years ago. Anyone else remember those heady days?
Hey Flashlight, you got a recipe for this? Braising doesn't work (they're too greasy)! Slow smoked over pecan wood is OK, good in gumbo (but I prefer nutria)! I'm open to suggestions! Ken
You Mean ? ' The Vomit Comet ' ?! . No , I never heard of that one before..... When I lived in Guatemala , I was offered many nasty things to eat that , IMO , were only eaten because there was naught else to eat.... tough luck if you don't like that I refuse to eat your garbage . Bangers , those too are nasty to most Americans but I'll eat 'em 'till I burst or get full........
Nutria rats ... big as a Hoover vacume cleaner with a long tail! Yummy, a good taste of nutria makes my day!! Before i whas born they told my old uncle had a Nutria farm up here in the old days in 1950 , but i think they used the fur only for some purpose, cant remember though that they ate the damn thing to. Do they taste good? God there so.... ugly. During world war 2 herring, badgers and wild birds where offcourse on the dining list as food in general whas very difficult to get in Europe. The badger is a kind of piggy . But if one is real hungry.....
Don't eat possum ! It's just a big greasy RAT after all and yes , it does taste that bad too . I lived in Guatemala City from , uh '76 ~ '77 , had lots of fun and more than a few adventures (it turns out the death squads really did exist and weren't easily amused) , sold my old VW Typ III and bought & then rebuilt a 1937 Harley - Davidson EL (61" Knucklehead) and rode it all over the country , I learned a lot and was lucky to get out alive . The people there , apart from the jerkoffs , thieves & crooks who run the gov't. , are mostly very nice and I still have freinds who live there . Of course , being an honest Mechanic means no matter where I go , folks tend to like me...... . I (maybe) shoulda taken the job of Motoritsta (Moto Cop) , that would have been interesting .
Want to try something tasty from Norway? Try 'romagroat'. Martinius--help me with the spelling. I'm told it's served at Norwegien weddings. My mother cooked it for breakfast on special occassions. it's a flower based cream 'pudding' served with melted butter, sugar and cinammon. Wow is it good. You can't eat it too often because it is very fattening.
Rømmegrøt is the best. Porridge made from a kind of saur cream "rømme" , sugar and cinnamon. Great food. In my valley they use to eat the "rømmegrøt" together with elk sausage , creambutter and flatbread "flatbrød". Homemade raspberry juice to drink.
Re:Heart Attack on a plate You and the dog eat it,but the missus won't touch it? She's watching her cholesterol!
Re:But,but... I saw an episode of Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern where the lutefisk was processed. The factory was located in Minnesota,but they shipped most of it to Scandinavian countries.