Ken, Even the last of the Diehard Appalachians don't really go for Possum or Ground Hog's, fondly known locally as "Whistle Pigs". However Mud Turtles have seven Kindsa' meat and is tasty (I've heard). Possum has to be slow boiled a very long time with lots of other stuff to camoflage it. (I think i just threw up a little in the back of my throat) I'm sure we've all seen survival training films. Bottom line...if your hungry enough and have a will to live...its edible. I thought maybe we would talk about Scotch/Irish woman doing the River dance....and wild adventures with foreign woman. But no... Flashlight
Before we met my wife was living in a rural area and had a large garden. The day before starting to harvest lettuce a ground hog mowed it down. Later a neighbor asked if she would mind if he shot the ground hog. SWMBO's response was sure as long as she got some of the meat, she was going to have her lettuce one way or the other. Now that is a keeper.
Lutefisk The lutefisk is made in a small town about 20 miles north of where I live. It is called Day there is about 3 buildings in that little town. Whenever someone asks my father if he ever had lutefisk he says no but he stepped in it before! Jim
Chicken and noddles, then chilli cheese dogs and beer for the game tomorrow. Don't think lutefish will hit my plate anytime toooooo soon. (pigs-n-blankets for my daughter and her friend!)
Re:Whistle Pig My mom's family being from Kentucky originally and my grandfather being quite the hunter,fisher and trapper,I've sampled nearly everything but possum and raccoon,at least that I knew about.
Going To Guatemala I bought a pile of VW parts from a junkyard & assembled then in two weeks then hit the road and drove there with my newly minted bride and her best friend.... We has some fun and adventures , outran the Federales in the mountains near Mexico D.F.......
Poncho, Those Federales say, "they coulda' had him anyday"....outa kindness I suppose! Smuggling woman out of Guatamala eh, Nate....Great style! Flashlight
Nice short story This short story is well written , there is an writer hiding in you my friend ! I would eat if i had to if it whas prepared with care. Martinius.
Third World Foodstuffs When I was living in Guatemala , C.A. ,I ate various big cat meats , fowls I'd never seen , monkey (ew , kinda sweet) , horse (of course all Americans have eaten horsemeat ,they just didn't realize it at the time) , Venison , on and on.... Much of it I didn't like , I'd just as soon subsist on beans than eat greasy , nasty meats . Being young & dumb , and having an even louder mouth than now ,I had some interesting run ins , God protected this fool very well and I learned a lot . I also had to drive off a serpentine mountain highway once , with SWMBO & my InLaws in the car , at full speed when the soldier I'd just cursed out and flipped off, raised his machine gun at us.... I bailed before he thought to rack it . Didja know ? an inflated spare tire , not only makes a dandy impromptu life saver , if you keep your car spiffy clean (ahem) it's also good to float upon when you encounter a lake in the middle of not even the local Indians know where you are...... Pyramids are fun to climb and typically are taller the the jungle's canopy , even when hundreds of years have passed.... those Myans were bloodthirsty bastids but really good builders . It's been an interesting life so far....
Missus Nah, she's one of these running freaks, marathons, triathlons etc, lives on fish and veg, no red meat, against her athletes religion She's as nutty as a box o frogs!
Legging it! It's funny Nate, we all think we know how we'd react until someone really does point the business end of a gun at you, then your legs take over and you can't help running Had a few too many run ins with them in my younger days and your natural instinct always wins, one was walking round the corner of a barn while a grouse shoot was going on to be confronted by a city wiz kid with a Purdey way off track and Hit the ground so hard I broke 2 ribs, lucky I did as the dumb f****r pulled the trigger trying to shoot a pidgion that was in the tree behind me, I did react badly after that one, busted ribs or not,
Brit, Good thinking and quick reactions carried the day! I seen a few shotgun injuries and they echo your avatar well...."bloody messy and bloody painful". As the good book says there's the "quick and there's the dead!" Too bad they've confiscated your arms over there by the way. I'm sure this will get a rise out of Willard, he's lurking around out there somewhere. Flashlight
Quick n the dead Crazy but I've had 3 run ins with shotguns, first when I was in Spain aged 17 and my mate wound up some algerians, got blown off my feet and peppered with shot under the skin, then at 20 when an older woman I was seeing "forgot" her psycho husband, she hadn't told me about, was coming out of jail and he blew the front door open, luckily he was drunk and took so long to reload I had time to crash out the back door and leg it, and the third was the one I mentioned earlier, I wont mention the ak47's out in Nigeria and other things
Helpful advice I sorta gathered that much, but if you look at the three wasn't me guvnor! It was someone else who got people all uppity and stuff Well actually the third was jus some dumb a*s city boy gettin excited!
Just glad ya made it through, brit~ Now the only thing you should have to fear (since you're older and wiser...) is finding out someone removed and replaced your hood and grille with that of a GMC! Now THAT makes ya break a cold sweat, don't it! You know I'd never do that, of course~ You live too far away.