Recently we participated in a tour where folks who are interested in quilting visited barns where quilt squares are displayed. Our barn has an 8ft by 8ft facsimile of a quilt that my grandmother made 70+ years ago. On the day of the tour I took my truck up there for the husbands to look at while the wives talked about quilts. Of course some of the guys were interested in quilts too. Anyway it was a big hit. One of the visitors is quite a photographer and took this and brought it to me today as a gift. For those of you so inclined he used a software called HDR to highlight the image. I hope you enjoy. Also, here is a link to the write up on the quilt trail site as well as a link to the rest of the site. Regards, Gater
Looking good, Bill! Your truck is a classic, Bill! The barn is awesome too! I remember the days when both of my grandmothers would sit for hours and hand stitch quilts with the other local women (only after they had fed their husbands and children by the way!). I've got a couple of hand made quilts that have been passed down that are priceless to me and have warmed my kids and grandkids since the late '70's! I miss those days! Summers picking blackberries with granddad so that we could have fresh cobbler! Going down to the Kentucky Lake to catch catfish so we could have fresh fried catfish for supper. Tending a garden so we could have fresh veggies and fruits. Listening to baseball on an old Philco radio! Putting pennies on the tracks next to the freight depot so that the "local" could flatten them like a pancake! Gotta go! Getting way too emotional!
LOL, Ol' Chebby there ain't a field this far up in East Tennessee that it will turn in. It's more like how many rests I have to take from the steering wheel as I manuever back and forth to get out of the holler.
Bill, I can't believe I never saw your address before! I am on the 107 Cutoff in South Greene County. My wife is an avid Quilter as well. Would love to see your truck(s). Always amazed at what a small world this is. Flashlight
Flashlight, I knew were a neighbor, Neighbor. I at least need to come to a car show in Greeneville in the spring. In the meantime, if you are up in the northern end of this big county, stop and see me. Bill
right out of a magazine Gater - this photograph reminds me of those old time magazine ads. I love it, your truck, and the barn too!
That sounds like fun, my wife goes to the quilting club in town. PM me a phone number if you don't mind. I go through there once in a while. Lots of old timey vehicles lying around out there. It won't be anytime soon, is Horton Hwy out near Roaring Fork? Seems like I would make a right somewhere off Route 66. Flashlight
Great photo of the Longbed & barn Bill, great to see the truck out and about. Had to go and find my Grandmother's quilt she made me, thanks for reminding me of it.
Hey Zig, Being a guy that can tell when something is out of level or out of plumb from yards away, unfortunately I cannot tell when something would look good artistically in different mediums. I will leave that to folks like you who are blessed with that talent. Winter is here and the KC machine is in the garage, I'm sure. When will we see some photographic evidence of progress? Is there an ETA for the grand reopening of the G? Gater
Re:Truck and barn photo This is a really cool pic. Have you thought about blowing it up and hanging it over the fireplace mantle?
Hi Gater. We will be in the Nashville (or just east of Lebanon) area for Christmas. Merry Christmas. Just a question about your gas tank. Is that original? Or what kind of tank do you have? Thanks. Dennis
Charles, you found the right photo. Thanks. Dennis, I coated the inside of my tank but, since I didn't drive it much back then, every time I would fire it up I would have to clean the rust out of the carb. I finally gave up and took the original to a local metal fab shop and he built one for me out of aluminum. He used the original as a template so it fit the original straps that show up so well in Charles' photos. Bill
I had the same problem and couldn't find a decent tank as after 48' they went behind the seat. I sent mine off to a shop in Pennsyvania and for $250 they repaired and relined mine with a lifetime guarantee. I later found out tht the Suburban's and Panal trucks used the under bed type tank for many years. It would have given me more options when I was hunting tanks. Charles' tank looks a lot larger then mine. Flashlight
Mine is only 17 gallons, I took mine to Mac's Radiator (Nu-tank?) off Alonda and the 710 freeway to have mine repaired and lined. Had it on for about two weeks and it started leaking, took it back and they fix it without question and they got my old stock gauge working. Not sure how many gallons the re-pops are, but for the long trips we take I would like an extra tank so we can bring back the lower cost gas that are elsewhere.