On the tranny of my '52 3600,the bearing retainer at the input shaft does not have the sleeve on it that the T.O. bearing rides on. It has just the retainer minus the sleeve bolted to the front of the unit. This is the way it came apart when I pulled the tranny. I was hoping somebody could shed some light on this. I have yet to figure out how to send pictures, but you can refer the shop manual pg. 7-17 item #22 to see what i'm talking about. That part sans the sleeve.Apparently when it was operational years ago the T.O. just flopped all over the place on the input shaft. ??????????????
Engine model 216 or 235 ? Hi Jackson What engine size is in your truck ? Uploading pictures is easy step by step; 1Make a new thread ,2 Scroll down at manage attachements , 3 Upload pictures from your computer ,4 close window and attach pics, 5 your ready !!!!! Maybe this is of some help ; http://chevy.oldcarmanualproject.com/1929_54chevyparts/00/113.HTM http://chevy.oldcarmanualproject.com/1929_54chevyparts/info/086a.htm Martinius QUOTE=jackson;67668]On the tranny of my '52 3600,the bearing retainer at the input shaft does not have the sleeve on it that the T.O. bearing rides on. It has just the retainer minus the sleeve bolted to the front of the unit. This is the way it came apart when I pulled the tranny. I was hoping somebody could shed some light on this. I have yet to figure out how to send pictures, but you can refer the shop manual pg. 7-17 item #22 to see what i'm talking about. That part sans the sleeve.Apparently when it was operational years ago the T.O. just flopped all over the place on the input shaft. ??????????????[/QUOTE]
The engine that I split the tranny from is a '56 235.Tonight I'll try to see if I can send a picture. Thanx.
T.O. Brg. It cannot ' flop ' unless the clutch is seriously out of adjustment . FWIW , the surface of the T.O. Brg. & clutch ring or fingers is very important : only one surface should be flat ~ often a replacement clutch cover has rounded fingers instead of a ring (diaphragm typ) and this means the T.O. Brg. *must* have a flat face... Vice - versa of course .
Here are the pics of the part I'm talking about. Note there is no sleeve on the bearing retainer at the input shaft. What is the T.O. bearing suppose to ride on?
Just wondering if anybody has figured out yet why there would be no sleeve for the T.O. bearing to slide back and forth on? I can't figure out how it ever worked properly in the first place.
Jackson, I'm surprised that the experts haven't chimed in yet, but everything I've looked at (shop manuals, parts catalogs, etc) show a retainer that the T.O. rides on. You referenced it in your initial post. I, too, am confused as to how it could possibly work sliding on the bare shaft myself. I am certainly no expert on 4 sp trannys, so I'm just as curious as you are! I'm a 3 on the tree kinda guy! Ken
Re:T.O. Bearing Sleeve What other parts did you take out of the bellhousing? Is it possible that the previous owner had installed a hydraulic clutch? Is there an additional master cylinder mounted on the firewall with a line to the bellhousing?
SM420 tranny Jackson Novac is the compagny that could answer your questions. They restore the Munchi SM420 and have the parts needed. http://www.novak-adapt.com/knowledge/sm420.htm Martinius.
federale, When I pulled the trans. the T.O. just dropped from the fork and laid inside the clutch assy. The truck is stock, other than the 216 was replaced with a '56 235.
Greetings all The groove of the TO bearing just rides on the fork pins and sort of hovers around the input shaft. The shaft fork pins and pressure plate tines all work together to hold the bearing in place. easy as that
From where I'm sitting Looks to me as though someone did the engine swap and whilst trying to get the splines lined up on the input shaft and the clutch they got a bit too frustrated and broke the sleeve of the input bearing retainer, smacked it with the clutch fingers ir something, and decided to take a chance and chuck the broken sleeve an see if it works. They were lucky and it did! You need to source a new retainer I think, just for peice of mind if nothing else
Bearing retainer Looks like it got broke off does it look like something was there and just broke off? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/NOS-...arQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories#ht_500wt_975
bearing retainer It looks like you might be right Brit,that whoever had it apart,had it break on them and just put it back together hoping they could get away with it working.But I tell ya, if that sleeve broke off, it was one clean break. Looks as if it was cast that way.
Another possibility It's also a possibility that they had a mismatch with the clutch parts, maybe the release bearing was too small to fit over the missing sleeve or the centre plate was wrong and hit the end of the sleeve and in desperation or just to get it running to sell on they cut/broke the sleeve off, another thing I noticed was there are quite a few wear marks on the input shaft behind the splines, possibly they broke the sleeve off and tried to run it with the broken part still in place, that would cause the wear marks on the shaft and also smooth out the edges where the two bits parted company. It may have broken up with use and that's why it's missing, Jus my 2 bobs worth
Brit 50, I think you're probably right with your 1st idea. I probably can get a replacement from a guy I found on Craigslist. I bought a front u-joint/yoke assembly from him for $50, and he just gave me a few misc. parts I needed that were laying around, plus I got a real good tailgate for $10, not trying to get rich by any means. He has a couple parts transmissions,but, he lives 70 miles away. I misplaced his # so I can't just drop by and hope to catch him. Interesting guy though,kind of a hippy/hillbilly/hermit type, lived out in the sticks who was just full of info. on all aspects of these trucks. Besides having a slew of all kinds of parts everywhere, he all had a '46, a '51 parts truck, two complete early '50's GMC's 1/2 tons sitting side by side, one being a longbed, and in his small barn, had a completely original '53 1 ton and a complete '38 Packard that's been up on blocks for 20 years.Anyways, had a lot of very cool stuff,I just hope I can find his # again.