Hey guys just wanted you all to see how exited my wife got when i brought this freshly powder coated wheel home, you probably can tell by the expression on her face, she couldnt wait to get her picture taken with it.
A word of caution: don't make a snide or derogative comment about any of HER hobbies. My wife collects pioneer furniture, appliances, stoves, etc. I made a comment about why anyone would want something so outdated, worn, and useless to which she replied, "I married you didn't I".
Wow ~ I can clearly see , she was barely able to contain her enthusiasm . About her sense of humour , maybe she's British ? .
Let down Well next time you call the missus and tell her your bringing her a new set of wheels you better explain fully Nate, a true Brit would have said nothing, she would have just looked down her nose at you and let you work it out
P.s Have to add that it only takes a mention of my ol truck an the missus looks like she's been sucking on lemons, mind you she looks like a bulldog chewing on a wasp at the best of times
scottish Well guys she was born and raised in glasgow scottland and if you ask her where shes from shell tell you from her mom and dad.