Has anyone on here done an update on the AC system. I will soon be reassembling my 87. It is in the paint shop now. I will have to replace the compressor, so I thought now would be the time to upgrade to the new coolant. Any help or suggestions will be appreciated.
R134a Upgrade You'll have to replace the receiver dryer too . Also , whilst the system is open , get some AC System flush and flush it completely , then get some Ester oil and have at it .
As Nate said, it's recommended to at least replace the accumulator/dryer, while you have it open I would also suggest replacing the orafice tube and o-rings. If you want to get the most out of the new refrigerant, you can also see about getting a newer style condenser. From what I've read the Ready-Aire 636420 is supposed to be a direct bolt in, parallel flow condenser designed for 134a. However when I went to my local O'Reilly's to pick one up it turned out to be stock one, so I would open the box before buying
A/c Thanks guys, I certainly will replace all the above. My next question is, do you have any suggestions on a direct replacement compressor. I would like to replace with a direct bolt in, but not another OEM style.I see LMC shows a upgrade for a replacement. Do you have any ideas on this? If so can you provide me with a link so I can take a look at it. Thanks for your help!! MERRY CHRISTMAS
AC Condenser Upgrade It'll work better . An old AC trick back when I were a laddie was : use the BIGGEST Condenser you could find (we'd hunt for Caddy ones) as ther bigger it is , the colder your AC will be all things being equal . Same as the radiator . Since it's behind the grille , who cares if it looks slightly different that the original one ? .
AC Compressor Upgrade Yes ! SANKYO (? SP ?) has many kits available , they work better and use less horsepower so it's a win-win . I assume they have a web site as the kits come with brackets & everything . I had one of these replacing the Delco R4 compressor on my old 1974 Mercedes Euro 350SLC , it was terrific .
A/c Great info. I will look into the condenser.Summit's price is under $100.00 bucks. I will check out the Sayden compressor also. Once I get it all together I will post some pictures. You know I like pictures,I can't wait to add the painted truck to the file. Thanks again for all your help!