Does any one know how to convert a 216 to full pressure oiling & insert type bearings? Or have a link to this info? Would it even be worth while $$$$$ wise? Thanks for any info. any of you might have. Terry.
If you go back a couple pages to my thread on 12-06-10, titled "216 anyone", you will see where this man is trying to give away a 216 that's already been converted to full pressure and bearings. I told him he could use one of my trailers to haul the entire drive train up to my storage area but he has never come to get it so it may have gone to someone else. I have his name and address, somewhere, but no phone number. He lives in Sunnyvale, Texas, which is on the opposite side of Dallas from me and about 60 miles away so he probably found a closer place to get rid of it.
mabee will help Found this info take a look
Evan, I saw your thread & it got me to wondering why couldn't/shouldn't I do that. I have a 216 to put into my '52 (a runner, got it cheap)but I'm still hesitant to use it due to the oiling & babbit bearings. Anyways I was just curious about the feasibility/ cost.
Becks charges about 5 thousand dollars to convert one I spoke to him myself about converting me 216 sometime ago. Robert
$5000.00 ? WOW choke cough wheeze! You could build one hella engine for that and keep the 216 for garage decoration.
engine upgrade You have the engine out. Go get a 261-ci engine and you will never regret it. You will also have to change the oil pressurre gauge to the 60-psi gauge. Put on the offy valve cover and most will think you have the 216. If you fix the 216 and then get to drive a 261 you will feel almost as bad as I did when mine burnt down with no insurance. With a little more work you can have the 292-ci.
Babbit Pounders ! I just can't see this . For less $ you can have a 235 or 261 . One fellow here just did a super careful overhaul of his 216 and balanced everything to zero grams and did the head work I suggest , he runs it very fast indeed with " Target Lubrication " and has no worries but it's still slow so why ? . You makes your choice and you pays your monies .