In one word beautifull. Are these places familiair to you?
Yes, many of them. Northeast Tennessee corn planting, and new England. Nate's probably remembering maine potatoes. What amazes me is that we all think in the USA we have such a high standard of living. The government was still able to tax the heck out us to support the war effort. Flashlight
Re:Americana Its hard for most of us to fathom how hard life was in America in the early 40's. The nation had just come out of the great depression and was a long time recovering. Let's all hope we don't see these hard times ever again. Thanks for sharing,Martinius! John
Great photos.Thanks for sharing Martinius.When I was born in 1942,my dad was working for TVA in Sevierville,Tn. on the Douglas Dam project.Can't wait to show that picture to my mom.Dad passed away in 2001.Most years I drive my '55 Chevy to Shades OF The Past or the Grand Run in Pigeon Forge(500 mi. one way).We usually drive to Sevierville and Gatlinburg.Beautiful country.Thanks again for sharing,sure stired up a lot of old memories.
Old Photos Thanx , that's been around before and yes , I do remember how it was . IIRC , we got spuds & cabbage from Greenville , Ma. - also a tobacco town . The standard of living in America IS great and this from a guy who had to walk across the back yard to the long drop in January when it was below freezing and blowing 25 MPH winds , hand water pump on the side of the kitchen sink etc. , etc. yadda yadda blah blah blah ~ I'd sooner go back to that than living in the 3rd world shyte holes I lived in.... You whiners have NO IDEA what low standards of living means nor high taxes . This does not mean I think we pay little taxes, we , the working class , pay absurdly high taxes whilst rich people and corporations pay little or none , that's un American but you alls voted for it so shaddap already .
Missing the point a bit here Nate. Nate I have been looking into the arcive and could`nt find any post with these pics. Maybe they where shown in some other forums before ? The pictures remind you of poverty and the way people lived in these days, well some of them do and thats excactly what there purpose is. How people lived and still do. They recall personal memories or not ect.These facts are undisputable. I`ll agree that the photografer has picked controversial objects but the pics are technically fantastic when it concerns colors ect. Look at there peoples faces, emotional expressions , what clothes they have , cars , trains , shops. This tells much about what this man obtained. If the pics reminds you of a childhood you dont like i am sorry to here that , but as far as i can understand you are the person that is wining here. Show us some more respect man and get grown up. Many of the forum members have most likely experienced the same conditions in life as you have had or not, life is unfair in that way ! About taxes is another issue. I am not a expert in that and it is not my purpose to mixed that in this thread. Matinius.
Don't be too concerned about Nate. I always love to hear him as you know exactly where he stands. I guess you need to know where I come from as someone who's been around the world in the name of this great country. There is a misconception by the people inside the Washington DC beltway and around the world. They think all Americans live that life because they don't get out much to these areas. Those faces in the pictures, with what little they had gave their lives and were taxed even more, to feed and free Europe in WWI and WW2. What they don't know is that these countries have a higher standard of living then we do. We are 25th in health care!! What Californians give away to illegals would go along way here in Appalachia, who are Americans!!
One thing in particular I admire about Nate,he always says exactly what he is thinking. No pussyfootin around. Kinda reminds me of my dad,not that he is old enough to be my dad,but he knows his old chevy stuff.
Nate!!!!!!!! Spuds??????? You turning Brit on us Nate? Next you'll be saying fags instead of cigarettes!! Anyhoo, you guys in the states had it easy, not like poor old England
Thanks for the intresting reply ! I am not concerned at all, Dont get me wrong Nate is a great guy and a colorfull person but sumtimes he is just to..... much. Nate has done a lot of remarcable contributions to this forum. I should like to meet him sometimes if posseble in the USA. Martinius. Is respect something you get when you deserve it or not ?
No Worries ! I was a poor boy like those in the pix , yes , this set of pictures (and many more) have been around the Internet for a while now , I too find them interesting . I'm not ashamed of my farm boy childhood in poverty and hunger ~ how do you think I got motivated to get off my duff and polish my trade ? . (I was , IMO , born to this work) . It's all VERY good , I just don't like hearing the constant carping & whining that goes on at so many old Vehicle gatherings... I hope I have been able to return a tiny bit of the help and camaraderie I have received & enjoyed here . Anyone who makes it to Sunny So. Cal. is welcome to meet & greet . In a nutshell : Get off your behind , pull up your pants and GET TO WORK ! America wasn't made in a day nor was it made by lollygagging about . It is the land of OPPORTUNITY , not entitlement . Grab that football and RUN WITH IT BOY ! .
"It is the land of OPPORTUNITY, not entitlement" By God, Nate, that is one of the best lines I've ever read! Mind if I borrow it on occassion? (I'll give you credit everytime I use it!) Preach on my friend! Ken
More Like : RANT on . Last night I was talking t one of our Foster boys , he's 15 and having the usual issues Teenagers have , he's brilliant and wants to go to College , he's hoping for Harvard , he still piddles on the toilet seat & wears his pants down though . I expect he'll do fine by the time College rolls around .
Land of the opportunity !! Nate But as you know there grown up before you notice it ! Being a teenager is usually a period in life carrying many controversial living situations. Being there as a father and listen to what they have to say, taking them serious and guide them is the best we can do right! To encourage teenagers is`nt allways easy, but if your kid has this dream and is a smart cracker i`ll would do anything to encourage him to reach his coals. Thanks Nate
Just So ! I try my best but we loose a few here & there . My father couldn't be bothered , now it's my turn to return the help and kindness shown to me by so many . WELCOME TO America : assimilate or fail .
Nate,you are truly a multi-faceted fellow. We learn something new about you every day and "most" of it is interesting.
Again , THANX (I *think*) What I meant to impart is : I have much to pay back , then I'll continue paying it forward...... . My grasp of The English Language isn't always stellar .