Hey guys I've replaced the drive shaft "torque tube" gaskets and that fixed all of those leaks. =-) The problem I'm having now is the transmission is leaking from some place in the front "and by leaking i mean slowly pouring out" What parts do I need to order? I'd like to get yalls feed back before I start tearing everything apart. Thanks again!!
More Info Needed ! To know . You'll know soon enough when you yank the tranny out for a looksee . I'd recommend dropping the clutch too and de-greasing it , the P.P. & flywheel -Nate
No kidding these trucks are always leaking. Nate, that sounds good. I think I might just go ahead and rebuild the transmission while I have it out. Depending on how hard it is to do. Also its a 54 chevy transmission 3 speed. And that's all I know.
Saginaw 3 Speed As long as you don't fall asleep during the job , it'll be fun and easy as well as educational . Be sure to check the case for cracks as every so often the cluster shaft's bore holes , get hair line cracks . Post good , clear close up ('MACRO') pictures of each and every piece and you'll get through it just fine . Use " The Right Stuff " by Permatex (tube , not spray) instead of the paper gaskets to staunch the leaks but it'll still drip a bit now & then as it was designed to do so . New parts are available , don't scrimp here . Count every roller bearing coming out as well as going in , one to few (can't force in too many) is a serious boo-boo . Work over some big old beach towels you get from the thrift store , light colored ones & wash well first . Joe will have the used gears you need , also new and N.O.S. ones on Flea Bay and Chevs Of The 40's in Washington State . Blah , blah blah......
Ok so I pulled the transmission today to try and fix the leak. WHAT A MESS! I opened it up and all the gears look good I don't see any wear. I replaced the gaskets one on the left side cover and one on the front shaft. I believe that's all of them. Then I put the transmission back in the truck, bolted everything back together and filled it with oil and it still leaks. =-( but not as bad as before.
Juuuuuussssst a thought. Are you sure this is gear lube running out, or could it be motor oil from the rear main seal? Does it leak just sitting there or does it leak more while the engine is running? There are lots of places where stuff can run out.
Hello, yes it's gear lube coming from the front of the transmission. It's a 1954 chevy saginaw 3 speed column shift. I replaced the gasket on the front cover plate (the plate that goes over the front shaft with 4 bolts that hold it on) I also replaced the gasket on the left side (where the shifting linkage is) It always leaks the same amount if it's running or not. thanks for the help. Let me know if there is anything else y'all need to know to try and help.
Steven, Its been awhile since I had one apart but if I remember correctly there is also a lip seal on the inside of that front cover or nose piece that you replaced the gasket on. I'm sure there is others on here that will remember if this is right or not before you pull it back out again. Good Luck! I hope you get your leaks stopped. Jim