This Sunday is the West Coast's biggest automotive themed swap meet , I'll be there selling off old VW parts in my '76 GMC . There's always good deals and fun things to look at , lots of exersize from walking , the forcast is for a warm & sunny day . Come on out ! .
enjoy! Nate - This sounds right up your alley. I wish i could bring my extra parts over and set up next to you. I am sure you are going to enjoy yourself. I hope you sell everything you really need to move and you only buy the things that you really need. Sounds like it will be a nice day - enjoy!
You Were Late ! By the time the sun is anywhere near arisen , I'm unloading my truck or barganing over the next junker I'm going to marry .... . This tine I hope to be late.... arrive after 06:00 .
I been attending the PAY $-mona swapmeent since the late 70's when the "Rust Peddlers" club organized it. I only drive across the desert every few years now to hang out here. A few pics from the PAY $-mona swap in the late 70's
ALWAYS More Than Just Parts ! . Guns even if you know who to ask... . Cars , trucks , campers , trailers , the odd Moto or ten , tools , parts , " art " (?) , books , shop manuals , pretty much everything thing and cheap too , _if_ you know how to hunt & bargain . Of course , many jerkoffs who think " it's old so it must be rare & valuable " , those are everywhere else to so no worries . Food & beeer too , the best & cheapest from the private sellers but the management wants you to buy warm $7.00 beers and $10.00 cold burgers with flies (no , that's NOT a typo) so one has to be careful about selling food & drink items . I'll be in the VW section , it's seperate from everything else in the lower South East quadrant , I may get a fence spot , I dunno ~ it depends on how many people show up . Looks for a BIG FUGLY old RED GMC C-2500 longbed , 1976 . Hard to miss . Plines 'o junk , I use Rubbermaid trash cans to carry much stuff . I'll have an old 1100 C.C. 36HP engine with a single tip muffler on it for $125.00 , was running when yanked years ago , it's complete . '56 VW Typ II Ambulance fans & panel , in Dove Blee of course, good switch etc, but one motor is stiff and needs oiling . $150.00 . Lots of just average old junk you'd find any VW Shop full of in , oh say 1973 or so . I'll ask my son to take some pix .
Po-Mona It went very well ! I sold off junk I was ready to toss out , mostly $5.00 items . I had a whole pallet of old stock German VW mufflers for Beetles & vans , sold about 1/2 of them for $20.00 each , I now only have the 1200 CC ones left including the uber rare early Typ II ''60 ~ '62 ' Stale air ' one... I had a 1955 36HP engine complete with lightened flywheel & German single tip muffler , all the tin , carby , generator etc. ~ I sold it for the first $100 offer and had to listen to folks whining all day long about how it's worth $200 or more (B.S.) ~ I'm pretty sure I have several more way back undrneath everything in my garage , I'll try to dig one out my April when the next PO-Mona swap comes . My son spent the whole day with me and didn't run off t look at Hot Rod stuff , not even once . I was *very* good and didn't buy anything either .
Good to hear it was a great day you and your son had, did getting there late help out on not having the time to go site seeing?
RICH-Mona ! Nah ; We were in place by 07:00 + so no worries . I just went to sell , not buy nor sightsee . I went to the bank last night and counted up all those $1.00 bills , $471.00 ! this after expenses . I wanna do this again . I'm not sure why Jr. didn't wander off, he usually does but not this time .