I remember, as a kid growing up in Kentucky, when it snowed we would go to the "Hill" for some serious sleding. I distinctly remember seeing some "hillbillies" using the hood off of their Advance Design as a sled. Of course there were the expected gashes from the occasional sharp edges, but if you are gonna be dumb, then you had better be tough. Cheers
Oops It was that bad huh ? . Sorry all . I hear the East Coast is getting hammered again , too bad but I'm glad I no longer live there , the judge did me a favor as it turned out .
I think it was yesterday that it was reported in the news that there was snow on the ground in all but ONE of the United States - and YES, that includes Hawaii. Can you guess which state it was??? That's right, the ONE i live in. Sorry guys. BUT i do have to agree with what Brit said earlier about the perpetual sunshine. Friends call from up North asking about the weather and i have to tell them: "another f%@k!#& perfect day in paradise". It does get boring (along with the palm trees). I actually have learned to love storms. But we still have 'seasons': tourist, lobster, and hurricane.
I think you're right Nate! The East Coast was expected to get 2 more feet of snow. Here's the proof! Ken
This crap is getting out of hand......It is still here! We don't mind a little snow once or twice a year, but we like it gone in about 3 days. The kids missed school ALL WEEK. Do you know how it is to get anything done under these circumstances????? Call me a wussy all you want, but you Yankees can keep this stuff.
On the brighter side, I replaced my manifold gasket and now can start flamethrowing to melt any remaining piles!
Ice We have had 2 heavy cold snaps over here, we ain't used to real heavy snowfalls and everything grinds to a halt, ours is a wet snow that freezes fast, 2-3 cars drive on it and you can play ice hockey on it. Anyway, the first bout I couldn't get out of my street, the second lot I managed to but regretted it, coming down a long gradual hill in 1st in my van and all is well, then felt a little nudge from behind and caught a glimpse of another vans headlights right behind me in the mirror as I started to slowly spin, after a couple of slow mo 360s I clumped a high kerb and stopped, passenger front wheel tucked under and dent in rear bumper. Cost me 400 bucks or so to repar the damage, and I didn't get a tag on the other vans no plate!! Chains are illegal over here which is crazy because like I said, it turns to sheet ice real quick.