I just about got the E-Brake finished on my 53'. It had a 55-57' open rear-end with no P-Brake parts in there. The 55-59' cables went in nice but I did have to re-swedge one end to shorten the system a bit. I made some new mounting brackets. The distinguished PO had two different sized Clevis (Shackles, yoke) on the line. I had to make a decision about which one to use, and naturally I picked the size that isn't supplied by our host. I need a very long clevis/yoke. Not the short one in our catalog, but a long, almost 4" overall length, 5/16 fine thread clevis yoke. Does anyone have one or know a vendor.
Not the short one in our catalog, but a long, almost 4" Hey, Can you give me a day to look at my surplus parts, I think I have what your looking for.
Thank you, if you find it I can PM you and work out the details. I checked the internet for everything from sailboats to fencing companies with no luck. Much appreciated! Flashlight
I had one heck of a time finding these parts! Tractor supply didn't even have them. I specify these clevis pins for work quite a bit. Zig ended up bailing me out with some spare parts, but I did talk to a mechancial contractor. Specifically one that works on installs for me at power plants. They had acess to these clevis's. If all else fails, look at McMaster Carr, or call up a few of those mechanical contractors. They should be able to help you out, just dont let them charge ya too much.
You have a choice. I have 1 clevis 4" in length, fine 5/16 thread,Original from a 1 ton. I also have 2 clevis 2 3/4 inch long same thread,Purchased from a local FLAPS. PM me your choice and and your In business.
Thanks OneTon! I got a check back at you. But, its late here and the mail went out already, will be on Monday's. I can't believe my luck was so good. I also found the return spring from a partial set I had. Interestingly, I also found the old on the column 3 speed shifter. I'm thinking that if I remove the SM420 and cover the floor hole. Put the column shifter back in, and then I could use my 55' 3 speed OD tranny. I hadn't thought of it before, since it is an area of my barn that I fear to tread in too often. Many neat things in parts boxes I forgot about. Flashlight
Charles, the internet is so vast I missed those. I googled it but didn't get those results, thanks for looking. Flashlight