I found a '60 235, trying to get it running. Timing is right, points & plugs are cleaned & gapped, threw a new condenser in, gave it a shot of starting fluid & cranked it over. Won't start, won't even pop. I pulled the 1st wire & put an old spark plug on it & cranked it, got spark but very weak. I did this to all six plug wires & had spark at each of them, all equally weak. All I can think of is that the coil is bad. Anybody have any other thoughts as to what it could be? Thanks for any help. Terry
Get an IC64 coil from NAPA. It has the internal resistor, so you can also eliminte the resistor from in line, killing 2 birds with one stone. If you are going to drive it, I also reccommend a pertronix ignition. Also check that the coil is wired correctly, trigger from dist. to (-) and 12v to (+).
What he said ~ . Is it a 6 or 12 volt system you're using ? . I occasionally use an electronic ignition coil on a points system just to get it into life but , this will fry the points in sort order if you try to drive it ...
Coil Test I don't know but it's easy to check : spark plug wire in the coil , plug lying on top of the rockerbox , disconnect the dizzy and power up the coil , breifly jumper the " - " side of the coil to ground , as soon as you remove the jumper , the spark plug should show a big , fat blue or white spark . If not, ensure the coil matches the power supply (12 V. to the coil means it needs 3. Ohms primary resistance , 8 ~ 9 V. to the coil means it needs a 1.6 Ohm primary resistance) , like that . Before popping $ for a new coil , ensure it's getting voltage . I hope this helps .
I bought & installed a new coil , the one ol chebby recommends (IC64),& put just a bit heavier wire (12 ga.) from "-" side of coil to dist., (don't know if that'll make any difference), gave it a small shot of starting fluid & hardly touched the starter & it fired instantly. That caught me by suprise I thought I'd be cranking on it some before it'd fire. Thanks again for the input. Terry
See....Easy. These trucks were designed to be fixed out in the field. No frills, no B.S. Like a tractor with a body.
Song You two got the first two lines for a song going there Like a tractor with a body An anvil with wheels Steering like a battleship She goes where she feels
O.k. ; Now add in : Beer Dog(s) A Woman Rain Prison (maybe) And you've got a platinum Country Song on yer hands .
"Well I was drunk the day my mom got out of prison, and I went to pick her up in the rain. But before I could get to the station in my AD pickup truck, she got runned over by a damned ol' train!" Long live DAC!
Out here , In Los Angeles (home to Fruits , Nuts and Flakes) , we're so modern , we've got BOTH kindsa music now : Country AND Western ! . For those with " Ecclectic " Country tastes , I might suggest Kinky Freidman or The Austin Lounge Lizards...... Don Bowman too *if* you can fins his records (Hello DJ Etc.) . .