What I did this week..... http://www.cn2.com/web/guest/news?p...itemId=43599&#p_CN2Article_WAR_CN2NewsContent
Great to see someone working with our future, and art is one of the biggest draws that keep the children’s mind creating.
And yet art is the first thing they want to cut when budgets get tight. SC's gov wants to cut the SC Arts Commission.
70 tees Concrete buildings needs to get a shine up . Fantastic cretativ activety Rus. Kids love this kind a work . We have a lot of modern schools in Norway with grey concrete walls , and they dont express anything . Putting colors and patterns onthem makes them attractive and nice. Keep up your good work with the kids. I love it.
Precious Cargo Russ, You not only appreciate the old things (like AD's) but open the eyes of the future to appreciate them as well. I take it the walls had a history theme, didn't see one with an AD....now that would be cool. You Da' Man....keep inspiring the rest of us! Flashlight
yet they have the $ for the sports, but obtaining grants is one way to get funding to keep the the quest alive.
Russ~ I've said it before and I'll say it again. You are a good (and brave) man! Quite the awesome project. Could you post us a picture of it when it is all done?
Verry cool project Russ. Let's hope when a new administrator comes in they don't want to cover up all the kids' hard work.
The theme is SC Artists. Featuring Johnathan Green (painter), Jasper Johns (painter), Catawba indians, Dizzy Gillespie (musician) , Bob Doster (sculptor) , Dori Sanders (author), William H. Johnson (painter), Chubby Checker (musician), and Eartha Kitt (actor). I'll post pic.s shortly.