Does anyone know how to remove the ignition lock cylinder from the switch if you don't have a key to turn it to line up the little hole with the little pin inside that you need to depress to release said cylinder from said switch? Terry
This matter whas up fore discussion a while ago ! Lets try to find the thread where it whas mentioned , oh yes here it is. You can allways change the lock and buy a new one/with a new set of keys right ? Your welcome.
It will cost money but a locksmith can pick the thing and get you a new set of keys for the ignition and the door and glove box, otherwise it may mean a BFH and a good old screwdriver being driven into the opening and then the issue is a history lesson as mine was. Later I tried a key from the 65 C20 I had for the ignition and it worked in the door perfectly, to late for the glove box and ignition but I do have a key for the door, so. If you have some old GM keys try them out first.
i drilled one out before. made a fixture out of 2 pieces of wood and clamped it in a vise. used a 1/4" drill bit to start was easier to hold it on center then switched to 3/8.the springs and the pins will start coming out as you drill.then take an awl and start picking stuff out and eventually the took about 15 min. but i did get it out without destroying the switch housing. Good luck Bobby
I took mine to the local locksmith and they had a ring of about a hundred old GM keys and they started trying them and after the tried 10-12 they found one that worked prefectly so they made me copies of it and cost me about $8. Good Luck Jim
Old keys ! Go to thrift & antique shops , older used car dealers etc. , you'll have a good fitting key in jig time . BEWARE the Locksmith ! . I turned my back on the one I used for 20 + years & he drilled the switch and ruined it.....
maybe try this method ? Use a flat peace of thin metal like a gauge feeler they use to messuare the ignition point distance with. Press the gauge feeler gently inside the cylider and imagene you are a gentlemens thief. If you sucseed then you can change the lock and buy a new one/with a new set of keys right ? If you dont sucseed through the damn thing away and buy all the parts new. Alternative number 2. Call the fabulous mr. Mc. Iver. He knows what to do ?
Thanx everyone for the ideas. I'm thinking the locksmith route is probably the way to go. Have him make a new key for the ignition that'll also fit the door and g-box. Have enough keys don't need an extra one. Terry
Before you try anything else, get a LITTLE screwdriver (eyeglass repair kit) and gently insert -- many times it will work just like a key (if the tumblers are sufficiently worn). Worth a try--- Good luck.