I watched this 48 Fleetmaster Chevy for about a month and a half before i decided I had to have it. Great driver, drivetrain is stock except for the 235 truck motor (yes if has a car valve cover). Delivered to my house today. Jim
Nate, Can you explain your comment on the copper fuel line? I've not heard that one before and have done the same. I'm sure you have a good reason for saying this. Thanks. Dave
Too cool! Good on ya, Jim! That looks like a beauty for sure! A dealer up here just stuck a 60 2 door out by the street~ dang near wrecked. $3,500. V8 auto... sigh~ Enjoy the heck out of BOTH of yours, Jim!
Thanks everyone Nate, My first action will be to replace that piece of plumbing. Something else on the engine i have not seen before: a small copper oil line from the top fitting on the oil canister around the back of the valve cover and screwed into the head on the exhaust side where the little plug is in my other 235. I assume this increases top oiling, or may reroute for something intenal plugged up? I will make some better pictures later. Enjoy Jim
Copper FuelLines Copper will develop stress cracks and begin leaking , this makes for a serious FIRE HAZARD as once started , vehicle fires are bugger all to put out again and will usually burn your Ship Of The Highway to the water line in a few moments.... The smaller pipe going from the oil pressure port around the back of the engine and to the 1/4" NPT bung in the cylinder head , was a common dealer fix to maintain oiling to the rockers after the internal passages plugged up from failure to HOT CHANGE cheapo parafin based oils . Of course, the dealer kits used steel tubing .
Thanks Nate, did not know that and will change mine. Do not need the fire risk even though I do have the fire extinguisher as standard equipment. Thanks all, Dave