Hello everyone new to classic parts talk. I have been reading alot about the s10 conversion kit for the ole 52 truck. But I have one question about title work. If we use an s10 frame and the old 52 body do I use the title for the ole 52 or the s10 to title it? I know this probably seems like a dumb question but could use an answer. Thanks Karen
Welcome aboard, Karen! First off, there is no such thing as a dumb question on this forum! Dumb answers maybe, but not dumb question. Your question is a unique question and can only be answered by someone who knows the Kansas dmv laws. Each state has different laws and probably no 2 states are the same. Here's a link to the Kansas dmv faq's. I looked through it a while ago and everything I read was as clear as mud. Muddle through some of it and see if you can form an opinion and then call your local dmv office and ask them for clarification. www.ksrevenue.org/faqs-dmvtandr.htm#kt Now, secondly, you only get one free piece of advice until we see pictures! Ken
Welcome Karen - I agree with everything Ken said except the part about the dumb questions - we do get them from time to time (and i am usually the one that asks). As for your title - yes, you will have to check with your state's DMV as those laws/rules are governed by each state. However, I would bet my last paycheck (not much) that the vehicle would be titled as whatever the vehicle appears most as in most cases. Think if the police had to issue a BOLO alert for the vehicle registered in your name (means you did something really naughty). They would want to be looking for a '52 Chevy Truck and not a '75(?) S-10. Of course the DMV would be smart if they had someway of notating the significant modifications to your truck to protect during sale and transfer of title. Good luck! Welcome Aboard! Post some pictures of either the 52 or the s-10 or the combination thereof!
Thanks everyone My Dad and I are working on the ole 52 together. We had it almost done and the garage caught fire and burnt it pretty bad. I figure the engine and trans and rearend are now ruined. So thats why I thought it may be cheaper to put it on the S10 frame. We got the fire mess cleaned up and are working on her again. My Dad is 78 and I really want to get her on the road so he can enjoy it with me. Thanks everyone for your help. Karen and Jake(dad)
Quick question for you. Do you currently have a clean title for the '52? If so, I would use the info on the current title. Most likely it is either the serial # of the truck, which should be located on a metal plaque attached to the driver's side "A" pillar or the serial # of the engine it had in it when titled. If GMC trucks are like Chevy trucks, they had no serial # stamped into the original frame. I'm almost sure that, as long as the truck passes the Kansas safety inspection when done, they won't care what kind of mechanical mods were done to it. Great pics! Your dad looks like he'd be a natural behind that big steering wheel. Of course, I'm sure he's driven one or two of them in his time! Ken
For the record...there were no "Chevy" AD owners in the area of that garage on that day! That's our story and we're stickin' with it. At least ...Karen you have the good sense to use a chevy S-10 frame for it. Could you maybe change the front grille? Flashlight
Fire Damage FWIW ; If the body is still good enough to be used , the engine , tranny and rear end are still fine , bet on that . Wire brush 'em , re paint and do a couple short oil changes . (I've gotten some killer deals on ' ruined ' running gear from fire jobs) As mentioned here , look at the title's VIN & check it against the tag on the doorpost (might have to wire brush or polish with steel wool to read it now) , if that # doesn't match , check the engine's serial # , it's on a flat pad near the distributor . It'll take you far longer to swap the S-10 frame in so if time is an issue....
I do have a clean title for the ole 52. and it matches the plate on the door. Problem with using the engine is water sprayed all over the truck got into the engine guess I could try it and see if it will run. So rebuilding the existing frame from the rearend, transmission, frontend, brakes lines and all would be quicker?? Just askin cause keep in mind I am no mechanic and well Dad can boss me around alot and tell me how to do it but cannot do a whole lot on his own now. I do thank everyone for all the good advise. Karen n Jake (dad)
hey welcome. I live in Olathe so not too far from you. I am pretty sure they they used my engine number to title my truck. I can't remember though.
Yes ! Buy Jake a comfy chair to sit in and let him supervise . Remove the spark plugs and spin the engine to get the water out of the cylinders, then do a major tune up and get it running again , then clean and repaint the exterior . He's a lucky man , you're a lucky daughter . Keep us apraised please .
Okay you've got my attention. The chair sounds good that is what we do now. He does grab the DA from me now and then to show me the proper way to sand with it. God I Love working on this ole truck with my DAD. I will do what you said on the engine as see what happens. It was about a year ago so the water is gone by now so i can only hope. It did run great when I pulled it in the garage.
Resurrection As long as the engine turns , it'll run . If it's stuck fill the cylinders with Diesel Fuel and get to work de - rusting the frame . You have a lot of work ahead of you no matter what . Having a Father to sit and give pointers , yell at you when you make mistakes, fall asleep is his chair , etc. , etc. ~ that's priceless . I never had it but made sure my son did and still does anytime he picks up the 'phone ~ these are memories you'll cherish the rest of your life , go with it
Welcome, Karen and Jake! Besides what Nate has said, don't forget~ it's a GMC! Welcome! I look forward to the updates on this project. Get that l-o-n-g block purring away, and never mind the jelousy that some of these Chevy guys will throw your way.
Yeah Yeah Yeah you Chevvvvvvvvvvy guys . I can take it all day long. I started with a 1954 chevy long bed my cousin gave me and the engine was shot and part of the drive shaft was missing and well it has sat outside in the weather for over 35 years. So I bought this ole 52 GMC yup GMC and we took the fuel line stuck it in the gas can primed the carb and WOW it started right up. So I have been robbing parts off the 54 and using them on the 52. I have titles for both trucks. Thank You all for your suggestions I can't wait to get to my Dads and work on it. It makes me Smile.. I only wish one magic wand would get her runnin. Cross you fingers and I'll keep you all posted. Karen N Jake(dad)
Karen~ I understand your desire to get it running. I have a similar reason. My mom and dad are both still going. My mom turns 87 the 12th of this month, and my dad turns 89 on October 12th. They're both sharp and don't look their age. My mom's eyes sparkle when I get to talking about my truck, and of course my dad is all about it as well. You know, it's a GMC so that goes without saying. The thing I really hope I can do is get my truck back on the road so I can give them both a ride in it. Unfortunately, it's a current lack of $$$ that has me sidelined. Teaching kinda sucks up the extra time as well. I hope your worthy cause becomes a reality soon. I hope one day (years from now) to be guiding my daughter through a rebuild of my truck!
Thank you for all the kind words. Last night my Dad was all pumped up about working on it I don't think he stopped talking for at least 2 hours. My dad ran a body and fender shop for many many years and of course then a mask was unheard of, so that being said his lungs are well not the best. Our garage is not heated so we have to work on ours when weather permits. Today it is going to be 67 or so but gotta work. Bummer. It will get done. I also teach in the summer months Motorcycle safety at the college here in KC. Lots of fun but it is time consuming. First things first going to get the gal on the road this year. I will be sure and take pictures as we go along. Keep that free advice coming. Sure do enjoy my new found friends.
Great project Karen. My project is a little slow, but coming along. My Dad passed away last year, and lived 400 miles away, so I didn't get to work with him on the truck. He had a '52 though, and we compared notes regularly. My truck is at my Father In Law's, (80), and he helps me regularly. He's still capable, and a great help when I need it. Can't say enough about the good memories we're making. Looking forward to progress notes.
Thanks Bilbo, Chatting with such great folks on here has helped me alot. I really enjoy working on the ole 52 with my Dad. I have often thought about selling the ole truck but just couldn't do it. Having this time with my Dad is priceless for sure. Look forward to seeing your trucks progress as well.
Another... great GMC truck coming back on the road. Good on you, Karen, even having a grumpy old man(like my dad sometimes was/is) with you in the garage, it´s still lot of fun and the experience is priceless. My dad used to be a motor mechanic all his life and i´m still thankful for his advice every now and then. He´s more into mechanical stuff, i prefer the bodywork. So a pretty good combination. Stick with it, to take your dad for a spin and watch him smiiiiile.