Hey All, I need to buy a new Creeper. The one I have seems to want to flex and not roll around that well on the floor because the wheels are rolling on their side. I am 6'2" and weigh about 215 so I want something that will get me around well on the floor based on my height and weight. I am always on my garage floor (smooth surface) but it does have expansion joints in the floor which I seem to get caught up in with the 2 1/2" wheels on my current Creeper. A little tray or spot to the side of the Creeper to hold tools would also be nice just cause I hate trying to remember where I have put them on the floor. Adjustable headrest would be nice but not a necessity. I figure with all of the experience on this forum I should be able to get some good recommendations. Thank you in advance for your replies. Steve
Creeper FWIW ; I'm a grumpy old guy so I really am fond of my old hardwood (not plywood !) creeper . That being said , modern low boy creepers made of synthetics and having regular casters instead of angled creeper wheels , are vastly superior in rolling over the cement joints , screwdrivers, fingers (ow) and what all else . Soft head rests tend to get filthy and resist cleaning . That's my .02 .
jeepers creepers I have a few different creepers theone I use at work is from Snap on and it rolls over the expansion joints ok if you hit it withone wheel at a time, hit it with either two at the end or all three on theside and it stops dead, I have had it for nearly 16 years and with the snap on policy the few times ihave had to replace wheels theywere taen back and replaced on warrenty( check with yourlocal dealer franchise owner about this). Recently though I went ot Harbour frieght and picked up a $29 creeper with flameson it ( serious my 5 year old Daughter picked it out it is her creeper for when sheis working with me) Ihaveuseditanditmoves aroundjustfine butit also has 6 wheels on it which I think is key, it allows your weight to be carried by the other wheels while moving across the expansion joints or other bit and pieces on thefloor( though a cut off tie wrap will stop it dead in its tracks everytime for sure) Ialso have use of more exotic snap creepers as the shopiwork for guys share regularly as we movearoundfrom building to building and if a guy is not using it just ask and you get an ok, so i have used some(mostly Snap on) that have headrests and tilted backs which are ok and nice in the sales brochure but Dont really help much as your ass tends to slide off of them while your working so you are always pushing yourself up to a seating position. The one other creeper I get alot of use out of at home and work is a creeper seat once again a Snap On with a small tray beneath for tool and part holding, it keeps me off my knees and from sitting on the floor, I sometimes use them both at the same time while under a plane with tools on the seat bottom and myself on the laydown creeeper and i just pull the tools along with me while I move from one side to the other side. By the way I'm 6 ft 200+ lbs Bill
Creepers & Hair LOL ! . I had long hair down to my waist in the late 1960's through 1972 or so , this is incredibly dangerous & stupid when working around machinery but I was young & dumb.... Anyways , one fine morning I dropped onto my creeper and shot underneath a VW to adjust it's valves and my hair came loose and wrapped itself 'round the creeper wheel , the pain made my eye water it was *so* bad , I didn't (back then when I was skinny) raise the cars up any higher that absolutely necessary so it was difficult to get back out from underneath.... When I finally extricated my self the boss came wandering out to see why I was yelling & cursing so much , I told him " I need some personal time to go get this mess cut off ! " ~ he said " no time needed , go take care of it on my dime " . Sadly , the only pix I had of those days , disappeared when my big sister moved Down East again.... .
I prefer a piece of carpet to any creeper. I just go by the carpet store dumpster and pick out a few clean pet free pieces..
Cheap Creeper In my yoot ; I used cardboard as it slid better . Nowadayze , if I'm in the field , i just find some plastic sheeting as you slide on it easily unlike carpet or cardboard...
Since I don't have long hair..... I decided to go with the oversized (42") creeper from Napa. It has 3 1/2" wheels, a 3 position adjustable headrest, and seems to do the job. The one I had originally bought from Sears as part of a kit ended up being a piece of junk because it came in 2 pieces and snapped together. This allowed one piece of the frame to twist and make the wheels go sideways. Not to mention it is probably only really equipped to handle 150 to 175 pounds on a good day and let's face it, that isn't me On the up side, my 7 year old son loves it cause it is red and black just like Dad's. Steve
Tip : So ; Put his name on it to make it special ~ kids love this sort of thing.... You're a good daddy for sharing old trucks & work habits with your son .
At my old house I only had gravel in front of the garage. A 4X8 sheet of plywood was my friend until it got oil soaked lmao.
Rear cargo carpet protector I too have gravel outside my garage and I found a great use for the useless vinyl protector from our old Subaru Outback. Anything placed on it would slide around spilling groceries and whatnot all over, so it makes a great "creeper" and the carpet the mat was protecting stops things from sliding around
I have "The Bone Rough Rider" creeper. Works great! It's molded plastic with 5" casters. Headrest is not adjustable, and it has no place for tool storage, but it will roll over about any obstacle, and is comfortable enough to take a nap on. I'm 6 foot and 200 lbs, it's plenty stout for me. My preference though is a piece of cardboard or an old 5x8 area rug. I always find myself needing to roll up on one side or the other, either for better leverage or reach, tough to do on a creeper. John
I must be a lot softer then the rest of you.... I prefer a creeper and even a padded one if possible but it sounds like "The Bone Rough Rider might be a way to go. Steve
"The Bone Rough Rider" Creeper This sounds interesting as I like to nap when I'm working..... . My pups like that too , they climb up on my gut & snooze there until I awake again . How about some pictures of this fine device and maybe where you bought it ? . TIA ,
Here you go! Mechanic not included! www.bonecreeper.com/roughrider.html I've seen them at Sears and Northern Tool down here in H town
I'm pretty sure I bought mine from Northern Tool when it was on sale. I do remember I paid less than a hundred for it with shipping, of course that was at least 5 yrs ago. With two teenage daughters I take my naps where I can find them. John
I figure that I was better off with two sons. I'm pretty sure that I would be overprotective with daughters. I don't think that "You can't date until you are 30, and then only with a chaperone" would go over very well. Steve
The Bone Creeper Looks pretty good ! . At nearly $200 , I'll never have one unless I find it used.... . I looked at my current favorite creeper and it's a NAPA house brand one , padded with a metal frame and blue in color.... I only know a grateful Mechanic got it for me some years back . FWIW : if you're one who drops your creeper to the ground , it won't last long no matter who made it ! anyone does that in my shop , gets booted out the gate pronto .