Good Morning Guys My name is Craig and I actually stumbled onto this site and have liked what I've seen thus far. I'm starting a new project that I picked up from a friend a month ago and I'm evaluating what I need to get the truck up and running. The project (yes i'll have pictures up soon once I can move the truck to a new location) is a 51 Chevy 3100. It has the original 216 and original 4 speed tranny. however my friend dropped the rear end and took pieces and parts from the rear end, including the drive shaft and gearing, I still have the axle. Here is my problem. I really don't plan on doing a full restoration on it, but making it something that even my wife will actually enjoy driving, so suspension and handling will be one of the first things after I get her running. However, I want it on the road as soon as I can, with minimal $$$$ out of my pocket to start and I'll upgrade as $$ allows. Like I said I'm married so I don't get too much fun money. My primary concern right now is the rear end and I'm curious what I should use to get it going soon. I can rebuild the rear end and use the stock rear end, I have a late model S10 Rear end, that my friend was going to use instead of the stock or I can pick up another rear end. To help in this decision, I will tell you, I plan on upgrading to a V8, Mustang 2 Front Suspension and a 4 link rear suspension. What would you guys suggest, as well as where to find the best prices?
The cheapest and easiest way to go would be to buy an old Nova or Camaro with a V8 auto and pirate it for most of the parts you need.
I used all the running gears including subframe from a 77 Nova I bought for 250 bucks. Lots better than trying to scrounge all the parts separately!
parts welcome to the site craig don't trash all the stock parts many of us are still looking for stock parts. to get us back on the road. there is a ton of info here just have to type it in and you will good advise. Robert
Welcome I am also pretty new to the site, working on a 52 3100. The guys on this site are awesome and offer terrific advice. Often they point to pictures and in my case gave specific feedback on an error I made when I posted a picture. Pictures are worth…. Welcome. Denis
Welcome! What Federale said is probably the best low$$$ option you will find. Looking forward to pictures of your project. Good luck!
Welcome ! The folks here will have good answeres to anything you can ask , even my stupid questions get good & helpful answeres .