Muncie SM465 Tranny

Discussion in '1973-1987' started by vwnate1, Mar 15, 2011.

  1. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    How do I get the shift lever out of the lid ? .

    It's not like the old Muncie SM420 I know and love .

    Ideas , pictures , links to threads or shop manuals etc. gladly accepted .

    TIA ,
  2. Roadhazardguy

    Roadhazardguy Member

    Jun 26, 2006
    Canyon Lake Texas
    Did you ever get this figured out Nate? If not you have to put the shifter halfway down in reverse so the reverse shift fork can slide up next to and in between reveres and forth gear. If you have it in the right spot the top cover will come right up, but look down at where reveres gear is after you pull the cover off because it will slide forward or backwards if the transmission isn't perfectly level (put it back in the same spot when your putting it back together) . Good luck! ;)
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2011
  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Thanx !

    Yes ,I did ;

    I was just thrown by the snug fit of the shift lever's retention spring , as it turned out , I just used medium size water pump pliers carefully and it came right out and I then removed the tranny , bell housing and clutch , I ordered up a slew of new parts from Rock Auto and if this flusherginner rain :mad: ever lets up , I'll finish cleaning everything then re paint it all GMC RED and begin to button it back up again .

    I have no idea how I'll get that big old tranny back onto my trolly jack then turned straight up so I can install it.... :confused: .

    I got some new , long bolts & will cut the heads off soon to use them as alignment pins , this prevents tweaking the clutch disc as most "Mechanics " do ....


    Stay tuned ~ I really wish I'da had a helper to take pictures as there's much to do when doing this job correctly ,not really difficult just fiddly and time consuming .

    Plus , that Muncie SM465 tranny weighs a LOT and I'm old & feeble .

    At least it didn't fall off the trolly jack until it was almost down to the ground anyways .

    I found a really nifty cheap tool to remove the pilot bushing , I will post it up when I use it , brand & part # .
  4. Roadhazardguy

    Roadhazardguy Member

    Jun 26, 2006
    Canyon Lake Texas
    Yeah they can be kinda heavy, I put my 465/205 combo in my lifted:D blazer a few weeks ago by myself.

    Umm I just read your first post again and saw you just wanted to know how to pull the shift lever out of the lid.:rolleyes: I guess I read that wrong.:confused:
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2011
  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    No Worries !

    I always like to talk a little shop talk before dipping in , I often learn useful tips & hints this way .

    Here , of course , the guys just read then sit back and wait for the next " oh no ! I screwed it all up ! " post to arrive then chuckle as they sip their beers... :rolleyes: .

    I'll never get reticent Mechanics ~ your knowledge and experience is worthless unless it's shared .
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2011

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