Last December, I aquired what was described as a 1946 one and a half ton truck. Now that the "Winter from Hell" is subsiding I started looking to see what I have. The serial plate, mounted on the firewall ,passenger side says 15000 LBS The Chassis No reads 21PW-1 6272. The grease retainer caps on front wheels are bolted on.Anyone have a clue as to what I have?
Serial number breaks down as follows: "21" Janesville, WI assembly plant "PW" 1946 2 ton conventional cab 2-ton 160" WB "I" built in Sept "6272" 5272nd unit built at that plant.
Thanks Ken 50, That confirms what I had sniffed out on one of the Vin Busters somewhere earlier. Anybody looking for a 2 ton "Tank"? Its too complete and solid to "Part" out
I don't know if its worth the effort as the engine is stuck tight and the spark plugs are missing. But then again, Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Another though I am having is to locate a 261 or a 235 for my one ton and install that 216 in the 1946 two ton.
Where are you, or more importantly where is the truck located? A short trip and the interest is high, a long trip and most will probably pass. Good looking truck. John
Make Run O.K. , I understand this . Get a gallon or more of fresh Diesel Fuel and fill the cylinders right away , put in some old spark plugs and leave it sit a few weeks then re - fill the clyinders and try hand turning the crank by the lower pulley , it'll usually turn a fraction , don't force it , rather go back and forth , back and forth until it makes a full 360° turn then you're off and running....
Thanks John. My location and the truck are near Sleepy Eye MN. Ya I know, there is almost no way from there to here!! We are about 100 miles southwest of Mpl/ St Paul MN.
Diesel fuel I have. As soon as the snow and mud are gone we will give this a try. I am guessing that that engine is probably a Splash oiled 235?
Get A Funnel And go do it NOW as it often takes a while (days , weeks) for the Diesel fuel to do it's thing..... If it's messy , just fill each cylinder until it burps out , close the hood & go home . Put the spark plugs in later when the ground is dry . If it frees up , DO NOT try to run it before you change the oil ! . Use cheapo Dino - oil to get it running .