I was walking around the shop and it struck me that nearly every vehicle there is in the 60's. Just a few years ago the 30's-50's dominated. I think the people that had or wished they had a car or truck then are now at the top of their earning power and are doing the nostalgia thing. I hope I'm gone before it moves up into the crappy 70's or cookie cutter later models.
Finances Evan, I think it's more a financial thing, people are looking to be different but not blow big bucks on a starting base, 60's stuff is still reasonably priced and there are barn finds out there, all the earlier stuffs been hauled outa the barns so it's unlikely you will find some early tin that people don't think is worth big bucks,
The Times , They Are A' Just so Evan ! . I very much miss the old dayze , things were very different when I still stocked ignition parts for '39 Grahms and 'A' Models....... At least I/we are not getting any grumpier , right ? . I SAID , RIGHT ?! .
Very true, coilover. I also see hundreds of rat rods being built. To each his own but people are trashing valuable antiques to build these "things".
Sometimes I think i was born about 50 yrs too late. I love the old stuff. And I sometimes catch my self thinking... those darn kids... Then i realize heck they are older then me. Oh well. I have my good ole 52!!
I remember in the 80s when I was growing up, you couldn't throw a rock in a trailer park or a high school parking lot without hitting a Camaro or various other muscle cars, usually damn near clapped out. I can't wrap my melon around some of the prices people pay for them now. I always considered early 60s and before "old timey cars". I guess, tho, if you do the math, 70s stuff is 30+years old, so they are antiques now. I'll just have to accept that......I guess.......If I have to.
Evan, blame us Baby Boomers! I can't speak for all of them, but I can certainly speak for myself (and I will temper this so it doesn't become a rant!) I am a baby boomer, born in '54, and got to legally drive in 1970. I remember waiting at the mail box each month to pirate dad's copy of "Hot Rod" magizine, "Popular Hot Rodding", "Truckin'" etc. I dreamed of having a '66 Barracuda, equipped with a 6 pack Magmum 340 or , dare I say, a 426 Hemi with 2-4 bbl cross ram. I would have killed to have a '66 goat with a 389 triple duece! If I had to settle for that '63 Impala, it better have a 409 dual quad setup! Point is, and I think you hit it on the head, us Baby Boomers have reached our pinnacle and are lusting after that which will take us back to our "yoot"! My first car was a '63 Chevy Biscayne, 4 door sedan, 3 on the tree, 230 6-banger in 1970. I put 14x6 spun aluminum mags and raised white letter tires on that bad boy and thought I was cooler than cool! And it always had the best 8-track player and speakers that money could buy from Radio Shack! Thanks for the flashback! Ken
Russ " I guess, tho, if you do the math, 70s stuff is 30+years old, so they are antiques now. I'll just have to accept that......I guess.......If I have to. " Dude ! you are SO harshing my mellow ! Cut that out ! . Next thing oyu know , you'll be calling me a grumpy old man like Neil there.... .