Nate Sorry old chap, I was getting a bit pythonesque there attempting to do an impression of a woman distracted by the cute pics then moaning bout her kids, forgot you Yanks prefer slap you in the face humour rather than the subtle stuff
So THAT'S how it's gonna be, huh? So now you're hiding behind your "grandchild" eh? Why I oughta......
You are right, big brother~ That is exactly what I oughta be doing. This has been more fun than getting back under the dash, however! BTW~ The rented child is a real cute kid! Ummm... How 'bout a picture of him, say, HOLDING THE STEERING WHEEL OF YOUR TRUCK? Just sayin'
Summary Ok, so we worked out that Ken's "truck" is prolly a museum truck in some backwater town where no one ever goes, and he rents neighbours kids to take cute diversionary pictures, is his name actually Ken???????
Oh. My. _GHOD_ ! You've just zapped me with the WayBack Machine there ~ I sing " Uneasy Rider " to my son when we're traveling....... You have dated your self irreperably now . Join the Geezer Club , I'm the spelling secratary obviously .
Charlie Daniels Band THANX ! . That took me back some years , listening to it on a scratchy 6 volt AM only radio as I rattled & wheezed down the road .
Thanks, Big Brother! Is this your way of getting me off your back about that fake truck? It worked... ...for now...
Okay~ That was long enough... ..."I bet ya he's even got a cardboard truck tacked up on the wall in-side of his garage..." We all started lookin' real suspicious at him and he jumped up and said, "Now just wait a minute, Jim (Thunder) you know he's lying, I've been driving it all of my life!" Pictures, please?
Ken probably has ... ... one of these with an AD in place of the BMW.