reinstaling trans on1948 1/2 ton 3 speed,there is a gap of1/8 to 1/4 inch gap betwean my trans and bellhousing.put a new clutch kit and new pilot seams like its bottoming out at piletbearing. i did not put any presher on the mounting bolts .can i tighten the mounting bolts to draw the trans forword and push the pilotbearing seams like theres a 1/4 inch gap betwean pilot and the crank shaft when i use L shap filler.i tride tapping the pilot deeper it dos not seam to go this ok.there are 3 mounting positions on the presher plate housing is there a right position.thanks
There are three positions to mount the PP. If going in with a new unit any of the three are OK. If going back with one that didn't have any vibration then a punch mark on the PP cover and the flywheel to return to the same location is good. Get an O-ring that fits snug on the snout of the input shaft and bolt up into place, then remove and check the O-ring. If it's pushed tight against the splines or squished out, then the pilot bearing is the hold up. If not something else is the cause. A skinny O-ring is more accurate that a fat one.
That Gap Rem,ember too ; If you're not using guide pins , the tranny's input bearing retainer can easily hang up on the hole in the bell housing , causing a small gap until you get everything lined up ' Just So ' then it'll pop home .
Just Wondering Did you actually try a slip fit of the pilot bushing onto the input shaft before installation? This has saved me a couple of headaches in the past.
Did you change your through out bearing? if so did you compare the new one to the old one to make sure they are the same length? Just a thought....Big Tim