Well folks - the moment finally arrived that I got my truck back from the body shop. Of course it is not done yet - probably never will be, right? But she is at a point where I can at least share some of it with you all. Thanks for all your help so far. Hopefully you can tell the difference between the 'before' and 'after' shots below... The rest of the pictures can be found in the following album... https://talk.classicparts.com/album.php?albumid=201 The engine still needs some work, so I am sure there will be lots more questions before I am able to drive this beast to Florida so it can become my daily driver.
Beautiful Truck!! I love it nice job. If you are talking about the missing RF parking light lens as a flaw thats not a flaw. Youre just not finished yet! Again great job!
I did not notice any flaws either. I did notice that you haven't put the windshield wipers on yet. Beautiful truck! I hope you have a lot of fun with it! Ken
Thumbs up!! He Gypsy, great looking truck, can´t see any flaws either, the color look´s very good on it. I guess, you didn´t build a work horse? Have fun with it!!
Ding-ding-ding! Folks - we have a winner! I had a mechanic doing some work on the tail lights and he took off the park lamp lens (why i still don;'t know) and he dropped it on the concrete floor. I knew someone would spot it missing. Good catch.
I totally forgot about that Yes, we have 2 winners! - I totally forgot about not putting the wipers on yet. I guess i am just too chicken to even see if they work at this point. I just put rain X on the windshield and it rained quite a bit while I was home. I will have to try out the wipers on my next visit with my truck in the fall - hopefully! It is hard being 1200 miles away and trying to enjoy it - even when it is so close to being ready for the road.
but it has always been one The plan is that this will be my daily driver - 97% stock. Probably the 2nd day i had it out, I moved some patio furniture between mom and sisters house - mom bout had a cow as she was afraid I would scratch it - I told her that is what it was for. If the engine was running better, I would have hitched a log chain on it and pulled out the evergreens in front of the house she has been wanting removed for the past 3 years. Maybe next trip.
Thanks Thank you all for your comments. I finally found the only 'before' picture i had and posted it at the beginning of this thread. If i had it to do over again, i would have saved 2/3rds of the expense and just got it all mechanically sound before making sure it was all purdy!!!
gypsy, that is a beauty. You ain't really gonna drive that jimmy in the rain are you? LOL BTW, I have to use rain-x anyways since the vacuum motor is a little weak. It kind of lowers the coeficiant of friction. I need to re-build my vaccum and I think there is either a kit or someone who specializes it that. Enjoy, Terry