Hey Guys- I am looking for the panel that goes under the hood (bolts to hood) that the hood latch bolt goes into. when they blasted my truck, there was nothing left of the panel. i can not seem to find it any where. any help would be great thanks Joe
Thats one of those parts where you need to find a crunched hood with a good latch panel and swap them out. I am not aware of a repro yet, but that doesn't mean there isn't one.
Thanks. I assume this means a new hood would come with the latch plate. has anyone tried to fab one? my metal skills are not perfect but i get by.
If I remember right that's a pretty complex stamped part. I'll take a look at mine in the shop, but I suspect it would be tough to fab one. A "functional" one could be done alright, but it would not look like the original I'm afraid. If the hood comes with one, they would have to be available, but I'm not sure that a new hood does...I'd say probably not. Here's a link to a picture of what we're talking about... https://talk.classicparts.com/photos/showphoto.php?photo=3373&size=big&cat=&ppuser=14274
I see what you mean. I got a lead on this guy up near buffalo at carlisle pa this weekend. He gets parts from out west, and what he had with him was mint. Looks like a road trip is in order As always thanks for all the info.
Joe, while you're looking, see if you can come up with the support braces that go on each end to complete it. Here's some shots for reference. Happy hunting! Ken
That guy is Steve Altmeter from Tucson & he gets alot of his parts from me & hauls 'em back east. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You usually have to buy a whole hood to get the upper latch ...& even then ....most are damaged. We have nice original complete upper hood latches with good springs. PM us for more info.