hey has anyone changed the door glass to one piece in a 51? not sure I want to do this but maybe- any thoughts. also installed a power cowl vent this weekend (from rocky hinge) it is really cool. could not find the original linkage as it was gone from the truck when i got it. the kit cost around $80 and comes with every thing you need. just had to fab a bracket under the dash. can't figure out how to post pics or vid but will try.
Neat, Ol' Blue...post some pics if you can figger it out. I go to either the photo section from the link up above and click on "upload", then follow the instructions to locate the sized image on your computer, or link to one you've posted on another site that allows direct uploads. One thing I struggle with...often the "link" shown for the picture has "baggage" attached...URLs, additional "image" instructions that get put into the tag. I copy it all, but when posting the image here, delete anything that is not the picture name plus the .jpg extension after it...the "insert image" button here adds the rest it needs to the name and location you enter in. If you upload to this site's pic gallery, I've found that I have to right-click the "big" picture, then click properties, and in there it will show the name and location. Highlight that text, ending with ".jpg" or whatever your image format is, copy it, and paste it into the box you get when you click the insert image here. That sounds like a heckova long way of trying to help you get a pic posted...maybe some of these masters here could do a better job of 'splainin' it...
oh man I don't know what I would do without that thing!!! That is a life saver when its 90-100 outside!!! But for me it just aids my 245 AC And i say 245 because the 255 isn't available, except down hill and not in gear
Vent Wings You'll love the look of one piece door windows but hate driving it in any temperature without them . Form follows function , a simple lesson often missed these days . Once you change it , it's done ~ there's no going back .
Actually Nate, I did. I had one piece side glass in the 53 for one summer,went back to vent windows the next.
I use my vents regularly. Open a little to vent the interior and deflect the extra wind, open all the way to scoop in more air when it is hot as ........well, you know. Between those and the cowl vent, I only use the A/C in August.