Finally settled on the style of wheel we wanted on this one, and got them in and mounted. Think they look pretty nice...somewhat modern, but still very much the older 60's/70's look that I wanted. Had one thing buggin' me, though, and this pic really shows it. We were very careful to locate the rear axle centerline the same as the original, yet, judging from where it sets within the fender, it really looks like it should have been rearward another inch or inch and a half. Did we mis-figure somewhere, or is this pretty typical for how the wheels set within the rear fenders? The angle of this pic actually makes it look worse than it don't really notice it if you're not looking for it or viewing more from "head-on", but it definately is not concentric with the curvature of the fender. Anyone else ever question this? I have looked at some pics on the net of other AD's, and most of them do appear to be forward in the fender, although some seem more centered. Any input?
Nice wheels, Spika! Gonna look really good! The only thing I'll say about the rear wheel placement in relation to the fender is: This is obviously the first AD that you've built! They were all that way when they rolled off of the assembly line. Not sure why they did that, but they did. As a matter of fact, almost every car made by Chevy in the '40's was that way! I think it gives it character! Ken
The rims are great, as far as to centering the rear wheels reverse/flip the springs and hope the driveshaft is long enough.
I thought that the explanation for this was that the shackles are hinged so that, when empty the wheels are toward the front but, when loaded, the wheels shift to the middle. I centered mine by using an offset plate at the perch. I moved mine back about an inch if i remember correctly.
Thanks, Ken...I'll sleep a whole lot better tonight. Kept tryin' to figger out how we could have gotten off on that. As long as GM felt it was good sending them out that'a way, I ain't gonna mess with it. As for the other suggestions offered...thanks, but 'tain't quite that easy. This is air bag suspension...where the bag mounts are located on the frame, that's where the axle is positioned. The adjustments on the 4-link bars is only to set the axial/rotational position so the drive shaft is coming out at the right angle. If I'd been paying attention, I might have done like you, Tailgater, and moved it back a touch, but it'd be a heckova undertaking at this point. Anyway...I'm with Ken...a "distinctive" the impression the engine is so powerful it's got the axle runnin' ahead of the rest of the truck... Here's a pic of the rear suspension...not real detailed from this angle...
Yep, the old Chevy fender center issue. Chevy seemed to get it wrong in the rear, Ford had the front wheels too far back on many of their trucks. You may see if you can make up some of the difference by sliding the bed a little foreward.