Radio install challenges

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by spika, May 22, 2011.

  1. spika

    spika Member

    Apr 23, 2011
    Central Montana
    Thought I'd post what I'm doing with the interior in regards to radio and speakers. Don't really like the bright, flashy look of the modern stereos on the dash, but can't see shelling out the cash for the vintage repro's available. We really don't listen to much other than sat radio anymore, so I decided to mount the AM/FM receiver in the glove compartment. That necessitated building a more robust one than the cardboard original, so I made one out of lightweight aluminum sheet, then built a heavier insert that blocks off the right side from .100" aluminum, cut my din opening in it, polished it out, and screwed it into the new box with the rear corner removed for air and access/wire passage...


    Looks a little rough in the picture, but once it's installed in the dash opening, it fits up well and looks good.

    As I like to watch the readout on the sat receiver, I opted to mount it where I could see it, where the original radio cutout is. Made a little aluminum pocket that fits under the dash at the opening that accommodates the radio dock, and the X-press reciever actually fits pretty well and shouldn't look to gawdy, although still not exactly vintage. The dock still needs to get prepped and painted to match the dash color, but here's a shot of what it looks like. Will post another when it's painted and installed...


    I needed to have some place to mount the air suspension controls, and that was a challenge. Ended up putting them in the speaker grill, where they're more "front and center" than I would like, but very accessable and in a way define that this is not actually your grandma's pickup. Unfortunately didn't leave enough clearance for the danged nut on the lower valve/switch holes, so had to move them a bit...thus the evidence of welding in the pic. Now it's ready to prep and paint dusty rose as well.


    Its these little details that take so long...
  2. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    I'm excited about the fact that you're keeping most of the dash intact. I think the radio grille is going to look sharp. You know, the original radio grilles and glove glove doors were two-tone. How cool would your radio grille/glovebox door look painted in your two colors.:cool::cool:

    Here's what i'm talking about.

    1950 chev pu 074.jpg

  3. spika

    spika Member

    Apr 23, 2011
    Central Montana
    Wow, Ken, I didn't know that!!! That could be pretty cool! Not that tough to do, either...not much different than the fins on the valve covers and air cleaner. I wonder, though, if I kept the same two colors, silver and dusty rose, if it would look too much like a candy stripe? You've certainly got me thinking, though...perhaps a darker shade of the dusty rose...although that would mean ordering in another can o' paint...
    Thanks for the input!!!
  4. ol' chebby

    ol' chebby Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    I took the block off radio panel and hinged it to close down over my air display. I hid my switches in an old lunchbox that sits on the seats, that way everything stays hidden.





    My kick panels..


    I hid the flamethrower switch under the throttle pull, the silver buttons contol the bell, siren and oogah horn.


    I'm going to make a recess panel to suck up the radio under the dash when I get a round tuit.
    Last edited: May 23, 2011
  5. spika

    spika Member

    Apr 23, 2011
    Central Montana
    Cool! Great ideas!!!
  6. 51oleblue

    51oleblue Member

    Aug 28, 2010
    I am doing the secret audio the console under seat the head in the glove box and with the remote everything is hidde. I fill the radio knob holes and shrank up the raio hole for the vintage air heat a/c control. two a/c vents on the kick panels, trying to mount the center ones behind the speaker panel.
  7. ol' chebby

    ol' chebby Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    Hidden audio is expensive for what it is. You need a regular head unit, Sony comes to mind, and a wired remote, like for a boat.....and you have everything for cheaper. I did a radio install in a 69 Charger, mounted cd player in trunk in a universal box, had a sony hockey puck boat control that was wired, it tucked between the seats when not in use. The cd player had satellite radio and a memory stick slot. Load all your tunes on a jump drive, plug it in to the radio and listen for hours. All this was ordered from Crutchfield.
  8. spika

    spika Member

    Apr 23, 2011
    Central Montana
    Well, I had a good idea, just didn't verify my assumptions. Somewhere I thought I had read that the VintageAir system for the AD's allowed you to retain the orginal glove compartment. Nope. Made the nice little storage spot to mount the stereo in the glove box, and now that we're putting the A/C in, I find the unit requires a half-sized glove box...not nearly enough room for a stereo. Ooops....guess I should have double checked that before I proceeded down that road!
    So...after much consideration, I've decided to go ahead and mount it under the dash, under the center cut-in A/C vent and controls. I guess it will look OK...there's certainly going to be enough stuff on the dash that the "vintage" look is long gone, so another electronic device won't really hurt...


    I did a quick polished aluminum mount for it, but I may end up making a more contoured, flowing one and painting it to match the dash when I get some time. This will have to do for the time being.

    Looks like a doggone mess right now, but by tomorrow we should have most of the wires hooked up, the airbag controls in, and the dash getting buttoned up. Pressure's to get this outta the shop by the end of the week to make room for more work, so got a full court press going now.

    BTW...the steering wheel is a temp...wanted to see if the adapter I had would fit the column, and it does. Banjo wheel should show by the end of the week with any luck.
  9. ol' chebby

    ol' chebby Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    I am going to make a hinged panel for under the dash. The radio will sit on top of it, when closed it will be out of sight.
  10. Volker

    Volker Member

    Oct 27, 2007
    Germany, nearby Leipzig
    radio idea

    i had the same problem. Holes in the original dashboard - no way.
    Bought a JVC with remote control and mounted the high tech radio under the dashboard, driver side, behind the light knob:D with a simple metal strip.
    With the remote control i can control all functions and the sound is great.
    10" speaker in the kick board left and right and a subwoofer behind the seat. between gas tank and rear.

    Attached Files:

  11. spika

    spika Member

    Apr 23, 2011
    Central Montana
    Thats a nice, clean look, Volker...very nice. On that dash and interior, I would have wanted to keep it as you have it as well. How do you keep track of where your remote is...keep it off the floor, from falling out the door? Do you have someplace you mount it on the dash?
  12. Volker

    Volker Member

    Oct 27, 2007
    Germany, nearby Leipzig
    i glued a magnetic strip at the rear side of remote control and - if i drive - i put it at the horn knob....and it works:D
  13. spika

    spika Member

    Apr 23, 2011
    Central Montana
    Great idea!!! I've got a remote with this unit too, and was trying to think of a slick way to keep it at hand...

    I see you're in daughter just graduated from college here in Montana, and is in Frankfurt doing a 5 week business major exchange there and in Italy. Her and a friend toured Amsterdam last week just to "experience it", then started classes back in Frankfurt yesterday. The class toured the Deutsche Bank yesterday and ended up in the financial district "drinking beer with the "Wall Street Types"...sounds like fun!!!

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